LDV Caption Competition: “Knowing Me” Nick Clegg, “Knowing You” Steve Coogan Edition

There’s no prize at stake – just the opportunity to prove you’re wittier than any other LDV reader…

(Photo by Dave Radcliffe from Lib Dems’ Flickr photostream.)

Here’s Nick Clegg meeting comedian, actor and Hacked Off campaigner Steve Coogan. What do you think might be being said or thought here?

And the winner of our last caption comp is…

Some fantastic entries for our most recent caption competition, Clegg meets Bono “Not U2″ Edition.

The winner, according to The Voice’s judging panel of one, was this one by Ed Shepherd:

Bono: “And this casket contains a true piece of the original holy cross on which our Lord was crucified. Wise men say it has the power to heal the sick, to give sight to the blind, to bring happiness to the broken hearted and to bring the dead back to living form. Some say it can even give a person the power to see the infinite mysteries of the cosmos and to truly know the mind of God as one becomes a Star-Child”
Nick Clegg: “Does it have the power to make me popular again?”
Bono: “Now you’re being ridiculous.”

Got a photo of a prominent Lib Dem you think would work well for a future caption competition? Then please email us at [email protected].

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This entry was posted in Caption Comp.


  • I think Nick Clegg is saying “So how is retirement suiting you, Gordon?”

  • What’s the book in Clegg’s hand?

  • Tony Dawson 22nd Oct '12 - 8:32am

    “You think my policies are bag o’ what……?”

  • Tony Dawson 22nd Oct '12 - 8:44am

    “What DO you think they’ve done with our ties, belts and shoelaces?”

  • Keith Browning 22nd Oct '12 - 9:20am

    Coogan -‘The little blue book is my manifesto for the Peoples Republic of Norfolk and I’m looking for a suitable candidate to run the Politburo. Would you be interested??’
    Nick – ‘Tell me more’.

  • Steve Coogan “I’ll pretend to be DJ with his best years behind him and you can pretend to be a politician with his best years behind him”
    Nick Clegg “Do I look like I am pretending?”

  • Nick (not Clegg) 22nd Oct '12 - 5:01pm

    Clegg: “So this the late Arthur English’s infamous blue joke book; how die you come by it.? May I borrow it;? It could come in handy for my new career post May 2015?

  • Nick (not Clegg) 22nd Oct '12 - 9:42pm

    For “die” please read “did”!

  • David Allen 24th Oct '12 - 1:50pm

    Man 1: “I play the role of an awkward incompetent character who thinks he’s a superstar but isn’t.”

    Man 2: “I play the role of Alan Partridge.”

  • Nick (not Clegg) 24th Oct '12 - 2:41pm

    And for “Arthur English’s” read “Max Miller’s”. Sorry about that.

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