There’s no prize at stake – just the opportunity to prove you’re wittier than any other LDV reader…
(Image by Alex Folkes courtesy Lib Dems’ Flickr photostream.)
Here’s Nick Clegg walking in step with deputy leader Simon Hughes — what do you think they might be saying to, or thinking about, each other?
The winner of our most recent caption competition, the “Andy Coulson’s a bit busy right now” edition – according to The Voice’s judging panel of one – was this one by Jason Good.
Got a photo of a prominent Lib Dem you think would work well for a future caption competition? Then please email us at [email protected].
Nick says to Simon:
Why do you always have to be to the left of me?
Clegg: “OK, OK! If you untie my arms I promise I won’t join the Conservative Party!”
Hughes to Clegg ‘ if you think I am difficult just you wait until Farron gets elected President’
CLEGG: “Did you sleep in that suit last night Simon?”
HUGHES “I, I, I . . . I went for a curry. . . with with with…er….with Charles Kennedy last night. . . and then we moved on . . . to to to. . .er. . to a club . . . and and and ….then to a…a….a…….er………Have you got any paracetamol Nick?”
Nick to Simon: “I say, Simon, how did you get that rather natty face onto your tie knot?”
“there only here to see me – you know that don’t you!”
Liberal Democrat disarmament policy had clearly gone too far.
NC: “Nice shirt and tie, Simon, but I don’t like the suit. Try M&S.”
SH: “Here’s the deal, Nick. You chuck the fags, and I’ll buy a new suit.”
NC: “We’re going to have to start singing from the same hymn sheet, Simon. It’s for the good of the party.”
SH: “Which hymn sheet, and which party?”
Nick and Simon take up their usual positions on the left and right
What do you mean Nick, you can’t destroy that letter, we promised the students a graduate tax.
It’s from a Daily Mail story: Has Miriam Clegg let herself go?
NC to S: `Let`s make L/D progressive values work for Britain, over this Parliament’
S to NC `Yes Nick,you bet, we will do it for the Country,not for the Daily Mail Editor’
No Simon it was easy hijacking a party as twee as ours they still think caption competitions are fun.
Nick – “Do you remember our policy on student fees?”
Simon -“yes”
Nick – “Oh Good, what are they again?”
Nick – “Do you remember our policy on student fees?”
Simon – “Oh dear god Nick, not again”
Nick – “but I don’t believe in God”
Here’s Nick Clegg walking in step with deputy leader Simon Hughes
Simon – Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right,
Nick – Right, ….. , Right, ….., Right, ….., Right, ….., Right,
Here’s Nick Clegg walking in step with deputy leader Simon Hughes
Simon – By the left, quick march
Nick – No no Simon, it’s by the Right, quick march
The Life and Soul of the party arrive at conference.