There’s no prize at stake – just the opportunity to prove you’re wittier than any other LDV reader…
Here’s former Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy sharing a Yes2AV platform with Labour’s Tessa Jowell and Green leader Caroline Lucas. What do you think Charles or his companions might be thinking or saying?
The winner of our most recent caption competition, The “Webb’s Wonders” Edition, according to The Voice’s judging panel of one, was this one by Tabman.
Got a photo of a prominent Lib Dem you think would work well for a future caption competition? Then please email us at [email protected].
“The Tories’ unfair advantage is this big. No wonder the voters feel shafted.” (Kennedy AVs It Large caption)
“Would you like to make that a double, Charles?”
Appearing at the #yestoav launch event, Sarah Teather finds a tenner.
Charles says:
Sorry ladies, I did hold Nick Clegg in a head lock like this but I still couldn’t persuade him to join a ‘rainbow coalition’
“Yes!……………………. unless you are a black person in a leaflet destined for the home counties”
Why is Mr. Zephaniah not capable of appealing to white people? This is, more to the point, a malignant cancer at the heart of British politics perpetuated by those who claim to ‘care’. This idiocy is the product of the very obsession with ‘fairness’ that the Lib-Dem’s are all too closely associated with.
The rank stupidity that is transnational progressivism, come to rear its blighted head once more.
The fascination with using proportionalism in defence of ‘victim’ groups, the institutionalisation of multitudinous identities, and the end of majority rule in favour of power sharing, all of these serve to break the network of trust that binds the citizen to their state, to be replaced with endless waltz of realignments as you ceaselessly redefine your identity, and a serf-like deference to a supra-national authority. You are too busy to care about the previous loyalty, and anyway, wasn’t it replaced by something ‘higher’?
I will always argue against those who advocate policy that deliberately seeks to create division between a people, by promoting their racial, ethnic, cultural difference, because all that matters to me is that someone is British, and considers them-self British.
Will the Lib-Dem’s have the self-awareness to realise the self-destructiveness of the creed they preach?
John Mc beat me to it 😀
Say again? Or perhaps not.
A yes campaign leaflet with a moderately famous black poet upon it, famous enough for the yes campaign to want his endorsement, got airbrushed out of the leaflets destined for the home counties, presumably on the judgement that he wasn’t ‘British’ enough to represent worthwhile values to white middle-class people.
This kind of perverse thinking is the intellectual result of the fascination with using proportionalism in defence of ‘victim’ groups (equality agenda), the institutionalisation of multitudinous identities (unrestrained multiculturalism), and the end of majority rule in favour of power sharing (coalition politics), all things that the woollier end of the Lib-Dem thinking blindly supports.
So no, this was not just an unfortunate example of tactical positioning that got exposed to wider coverage than it deserved, it is a bald example of the divisiveness that ‘caring’ politics actually brings when you encourage the view that only a black person can represent the black community, because the corollary to that institutionally racist white people won’t understand a message, and weigh it on its merits, if it comes from a black person.
He is a British poet whom The Times list of Britain’s top 50 post-war writers in 2008, heis aslo the same person who turned down an OBE from the Queen because it reminded him of “how my foremothers were raped and my forefathers brutalised.
He can stand on his own two feet, and the Yes campaign ought to be able to have the confidence in its ambassadors that they will promote the right image of their message, otherwise why have you chosen them?
Thanks Jedibeeftrix, I’d somehow manged to miss the news story about the black poet and the airbrush.
I think you may be reading too how much into it, however. It smacks of some over-smart marketing “expert” who thinks he knows how to target particular “populations”. This may work on a postcode basis, but not when you’re directing some leaflets to the whole of London and others to whole counties.
A bit stupid anyway, as it was bound to be discovered and seized on by the No2AV campaign.
Thanks Jedibeeftrix, I’d somehow manged to miss the news story about the black poet and the airbrush. Of course we should all accept the Yes campaign’s explanation that they have an embarrasment of celebrity endorsers – sheer fluke that only the black man was replaced on their leaflets.
I think you may be reading too how much into it, however. It smacks of some over-smart marketing “expert” who thinks he knows how to target particular “populations”. This may work on a postcode basis, but not when you’re directing some leaflets to the whole of London and others to whole counties. It also makes all kinds of assumptions about who lives where and their attitudes.
A bit stupid anyway, as it was bound to be discovered and seized on by the No2AV campaign.
you are more generous than i.