Some 2,300 of Iain Dale’s blog-readers voted in a wide-ranging end-of-year survey across 33 categories, including Lib Dem Blog of the Year. Here are the results:
1. Lib Dem Voice 34%
2. Norfolk Blogger 21%
3. Lynne Featherstone 12%
4. Liberal England 8%
5. Quaequam Blog! 8%
6. Cicero’s Songs 6%
7. Peter Black 6%
Others 5%
We at LDV towers are, of course, touched to the hearts of our bottoms; congrats, too, to the other six blogs.
Bah. Must Campaign Harder on behalf of Alix Mortimer… 😉
I’ve moderated a comment from “Richard” who claimed to be a party member unhappy with Nick Clegg’s track record so far as party leader, though the evidence looks like they’re really a Tory.
If I’ve made a mistake Richard, apologies and do just get in touch. (Or post a comment with a valid email address – the one you’ve been giving doesn’t work).