Many thanks to the visitors who dropped by Lib Dem Voice this week. Here’s our 7 most-read posts…
UKIP examined, who they are, what they stand for and what does it mean for British politics? (79 comments) by Stephen Tall
Latest Euro-election polls: UKIP take the lead but what about the Lib Dems (43 comments) by Stephen Tall
Local elections 2014: your quick and easy guide to the Lib Dem numbers that matter (45 comments) by Stephen Tall
David Steel responds to Cyril Smith allegations “Idle speculation is not the basis for an enquiry” (26 comments) by The Voice.
Is the SNP’s latest European Election Broadcast even legal? (6 comments) by Caron Lindsay
Drugs and e-cigarettes: criminalise, legalise, regulate? Here’s what Lib Dem members think (13 comments) by Stephen Tall
Who should be Lib Dem shadow chancellor in 2015, Danny or Vince? Here’s what Lib Dem members think (29 comments) by Stephen Tall
Remember: LibDemVoice is our place to talk. So if you’ve got something you want to say, please join in the debate or start one yourself by writing for us.