Many thanks to the visitors who dropped by Lib Dem Voice this week. Here’s our 7 most-read posts…
Liberal Democrat Voice editor replies to Lord Greaves (166 comments) by The Voice.
David Laws peerage “blocked” – plus new Liberal Democrat House of Lords members speculation (37 comments) by Paul Walter
Daily Mail exposes scandal that isn’t (26 comments) by Stuart Bonar
Shirley Williams predicts Labour MPs could come together with Lib Dems if Corbyn wins (65 comments) by Paul Walter
++Lib Dems GAIN former council ward of Brecon and Radnor’s Conservative MP (18 comments) by Newsmoggie
Liberal Democrats should commit to abolition of all global borders (57 comments) by Andrew Chamberlain
Norman Baker – with the LibDems reduced to a “pile of rubble”, we’re in danger of sleepwalking into a one party state (45 comments) by Paul Walter
Remember: LibDemVoice is our place to talk. So if you’ve got something you want to say, please join in the debate or start one yourself by writing for us.