Ming has been a regular on Andrew Marr’s Sunday AM of late, and can be seen again on Marr’s sofa this Sunday.
If, like me, you’re sleeping at 9am on a Sunday morning, you can watch online here after the event.
Ming has been a regular on Andrew Marr’s Sunday AM of late, and can be seen again on Marr’s sofa this Sunday.
If, like me, you’re sleeping at 9am on a Sunday morning, you can watch online here after the event.
Sometimes I struggle to sleep on a Sunday morning, so I think I’ll tune in.
We don’t waste our time tapping out pointless jibes on ConHome, have your really got nothing better to do Praguetory?
Oh, come on, Paul! It’s a good if rather tired, old joke. At least Praguetory reads Lib Dem Voice. I tend to ignore the rabid rantings of Con Home.
I do plan to be fast asleep at 9am on Sunday, but if my DVD recorder fails me I’ll utilise Rob’s link and watch it in the less salubrious confines of my “study”.
Just starting the debate with a but if banter. Actually, it sounds like he’ll have plenty to talk about.
What I think Praguetory and Gordon Greige might have uncovered, in their fumbling way, is the distinction between a Thespian and a statesman. Blair and Cameron belong in the former category. They are actors, empty vessels, devoid of principle or substance, striving for effect, faithful only to their puppet-masters. Ming, by contrast, is a man of substance. When he speaks, those with IQs above the Jade Goody level sit up and listen. OK, women prefer Cameron in bed, but does that make him Prime Ministerial material?
Think of those politicians who did succeed in rousing people out of their hungover somnolence on Sunday mornings:- Enoch Powell, Sir Gerald Nabarro, Rhodes Boyson, Jeremy Thorpe, Clive Jenkins, Derek Hatton? Would you want any one of them running the country?
Or would you prefer a respectable and respected distinguished QC, an intellectual and a gentleman, a man of substance with impeccable judgment and unimpeachable integrity? His inability to engage the dissolute is a virtue, not a failing.