Duncan Hames, the Lib Dem MP for Chippenham is the second of our newbie MPs to take part in a viral video campaign called ‘Mpinions’. Here’s the spiel from its creators:
Mpinions is allowing new MPs to properly introduce themselves to you and all in a few easily-digestible minutes! Consider it the speed dating of the political world! The video campaign itself will be running until the end of August and is being sponsored by The Electoral Reform Society and supported and promoted online by the Hansard Society, Operation Black Vote, Dod’s Parliamentary Communications and The British Youth Council. Videos will be released daily featuring dozens of the newly elected 227 MPs, providing the perfect brief diversion that will make you more informed and able to discuss the crucial issues affecting our society today. So make sure you do not miss this easy opportunity to actually see the faces behind the names and learn more about the new people running this country!
And here’s the video itself:
Catch21 is a charitable production company that produces videos, programmes and events to help engage young people with politics, democracy and community. You can read all about them here.
Interesting, thanks for posting it. Love how Duncan ends up calling Labour “the others”. I hope he hasn’t forgotten their name 😉
A bit more homework would have revealed that people also mark their ballot paper “1, 2, 3, ..” under AV. Still, he’s young, and with a bit of luck he’ll learn …
[Editor’s note: this comment has been moderated to remove a potentially defamatory comment.]
Anthony Aloysius St, please note that Duncan was describing STV when talking of voters numbering their preferences and then went on to say that AV shared some of the same features. You wrongly imply that he showed ignorance of the AV system.
@Anthony That’s a pretty nasty thing to claim about an MP without proof. You’re lucky that as a party we are for free speech and tighter regulations of libel laws. 😉
I see my comment has been edited to remove a (light-hearted) reference to his oddly slurred delivery. (I think “best practice” is for the moderator to indicate when a post has been edited!)
I assume Duncan Hames does know the difference between STV and AV, and I assume he would have phrased things differently if he’d thought about what he was saying. But as it is, his comments come across as rather nonsensical.
But unlucky that as a party you are so humourless and defensive.
@Anthony – Would be useful if posts edited were denoted as such, my reply makes no sense & can be removed
“Would be useful if posts edited were denoted as such …”
We agree about something!
“… my reply makes no sense …”
Especially the bit where you say “as a party we are for free speech”!
@ Anthony Aloysius St – your original comment may have been intended to be light-hearted, but it was potentially defamatory, and so removed. It would have been easier to delete the whole comment, but I didn’t want to do so.
Usually I make a note when I’ve snipped something but at the time I moderated it no-one else had picked up on that part of your comment, and it seemed simpler only to delete the suspect part. However, I’ve now inserted, as you suggested, an editor’s note to show that your comment was moderated to remove a potentially defamatory remark.
You know, I’m sure it’s not really “defamatory” to suggest someone has had a few drinks.