Our prepenultimate update from the LDV Fantasy Football League. Congratulations to Paul Noblet, our Manager of the Month for March.
His Fisher FC scored an impressive 295 points, just edging out Alan Worthington’s Iheanacho Cheese (288) and James Ludley’s Mercedes-Baines (286).
Here’s the full league table:
There are 200+ players in total.
* Stephen was Editor (and Co-Editor) of Liberal Democrat Voice from 2007 to 2015, and writes at The Collected Stephen Tall.
Fantasy in real life today.
At the end of the F1 race they played the national anthem.
OUR national anthem.
Winning driver Lewis Hamilton.
Championship leader Lewis Hamilton.
Get lucky Lewis. Be proud.
21 May 2018. Abramovich ‘s visa has expired. He was not at the FA Cup final which Chelsea won one – nil on a penalty. Pochetinno says he is happy at Spurs.
And Abramovich seems to be having truble getting his visa renewed…
Abramovich is now an Israeli citizen.
At the end of a Formula 1 race they play the national anthem. OUR national anthem. Lewis Hamilton wins in Germany, staring 14th, quoting Nelson Mandela. Bottas second.
Local favourite Sebastian Vettel, Ferrari, crashed into the adverts.
Fantasy issues exist in golf. Donald Trump has a better average than Jack Nicklaus. Tiger Woods had a big win recently. A play off with the President should be arranged, preferably for charity, tightly supervised.
Roger Federer’s earnings are disclosed in an interview in the Times on 7/7/2020.