Liberal Democrat councillors withdraw from East Dunbartonshire administration

Liberal Democrat Councillors in East Dunbartonshire have withdrawn from the Council’s administration. The three councillors had been in coalition with Labour and Conservatives since 2012. The move leaves Labour and Conservatives with 11 councillors facing an opposition of 13. The two parties will continue as a minority administration.

From the BBC:

It said it would withdraw from the arrangement amid an ongoing row related to a sports complex in Bishopbriggs.

If the move goes ahead, Labour and the Conservatives will continue as a minority administration.

Leader of the Liberal Democrat group, Councillor Ashay Ghai, said: “When we entered coalition in 2012 all parties agreed that we would not put forward recommendations unless all three groups agreed.

“However, Labour and Conservatives broke the agreement by forcing through proposals to underwrite a further £4.4m for the Huntershill sports complex when there were so many unanswered questions.

“It is not easy to give up our roles and move into opposition but it is against our principles to remain in the administration under these circumstances and when our coalition agreement has been broken.”

The Council covers the area where Jo Swinson was MP for 10 years until May.

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  • Good to see this being announced but a bit like closing the door after the horse has bolted. John Nicholson has been tweeting about this with a very negative spin about Libdems for days.

  • Rod Campbell 1st Apr '16 - 12:05pm

    What is the LibDem position on the Cemetery Charges issue?

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