Party President Mark Pack has written on a number of topics in his monthly report to members for June. Here are some extracts:
Chesham and Amersham
I’m writing this month’s report before we know the result. But we do already know that we’ve had the best candidate in Sarah Green, run the best campaign and had an awesome amount of help from people all around the country.
Westminster selections are up and running
New Parliament, new name: this time around we are ‘tiering’ our seats, so the most winnable seats (aka target seats, aka key seats) are now called Tier 1 seats. Selections have started up, with advertisements going out to people on the approved list and appearing on the members-only section of the main party website.
One of the new things for this Parliament is Project Stellar: a support package for our top candidates from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. Anyone selected in a Tier 1 seat from such a background can automatically qualify for this support, and depending on the numbers, we may also be able support candidates in Tier 2 seats in this way too.
New committee chairs
Federal Conference Committee: Nick Da Costa.
Federal International Relations Committee (FIRC): Phil Bennion
Federal People Development Committee (FPDC): Mary Regnier-Wilson, to cover Bess Mayhew’s maternity leave.
Good to hear that FPDC provides for maternity leave. Mark, what are the current arrangements for maternity leave for PPCs?
“Party President Mark Pack has written on a number of topics in his monthly report to members for June.”
Link not working….
And the arrangements for paternity leave for PPCs?
@Ruth Bright
PPCs will have the same right to Maternity Leave from their current employer as any other employee – this means anyone able to take Maternity Leave may well be more available for campaigning/ profile building work in the constituency than other candidates.
Hi Brad, I am referring to maternity leave from their role as PPC!
Apologies Jay – missed your whataboutery. I refer to maternity leave specifically as childbirth and breastfeeding sometimes mean one has to be physically absent and (from personal but admittedly not recent experience as a pregnant PPC) that is not always appreciated by the party!
@Nonconformistradical – Sorry about the dud link. It definitely worked when this post went up this morning. I have contacted Mark to ask what has happened, but I guess he is busy somewhere else today.
Update: now corrected