Mike Moore to chair Borders Book Festival

Mike Moore
Former Borders MP and Secretary of State for Scotland Mike Moore has become chair of the Borders Book Festival. From their website:

The announcement comes as the festival’s creative team, Alistair Moffat and Paula Ogilvie, make plans for 2016 which will see a special focus on youth events and a weekend of Medieval re-enactment. The festival directors are also delighted to confirm the return of Scottish Opera with a new ‘Pop-up Opera’ roadshow.

Commenting on his appointment as chairman, Michael said:

“As a local resident as well as MP, I have always been absolutely committed to the Borders and the book festival is one of the jewels in our crown. I go every year and marvel at the stunning programmes of events that are always put together – I’m honoured and delighted now to be involved officially. I look forward to helping in any way I can as the festival continues to go from strength to strength.

Taking on this role now is very straightforward – the hard work has been done over the past 12 years by Alistair Moffat, Paula Ogilvie, Francis Hamilton and many others to make the festival the great success it is.

Over 22000 people attended the event last year. This year’s event from 16-19 June, could find itself right in the middle of the EU Referendum.

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