More than one person a minute joins Lib Dems since May’s statement

Theresa May’s statement in Downing Street tonight seems to have motivated a bunch of people to do something to stop Brexit. They’ve joined the Lib Dems.

Actually, now it’s over 300…..

They got a welcome from the leader:


And it must be pretty remarkable if the BBC notices:

So, if you have signed up tonight, welcome. Have a look at my Lib Dem Lowdown post from last year to get some idea about the party. Make yourself a home and get involved in one of the many Lib Dem activities.

And if you haven’t signed up yet, join the party that’s been leading the way on fighting Brexit since it was ever a thing. We can still stop this. We know that Theresa May is scared of No Brexit because she can see that more and more people want a People’s Vote.

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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  • DOMINIC RAAB has gone.

    Get ready for a general election.

  • Don’t usually like the personalisation of politics. However, in the case of the former secretary for work and pensions, I concur with David R.
    Let us hope that the unraveling of the entire Brexit process, which I am watching live on the BBC while I type this, will make an increasing number of people realise that their values and their hopes for our countries future and ours are the same.

  • John Marriott 15th Nov '18 - 2:04pm

    Please put the following words into their correct order: deserting ship are the sinking rats the.

    Just seen Messrs Rees-Mogg and Baker giving their impromptu press conference after the ERG meeting. Looks as if we might be getting another prime minister courtesy of the paid up members of the Tory party. Is that the ‘will of the people’ as well?

  • David Evans 15th Nov '18 - 4:09pm

    @Dave Page – Indeed. However we also need to remember the massive loss of staff that came about because of mismanagement and financial incompetence in coalition, where we lost funding for 100s and 100s of staff, both in MPs offices and in HQ, 1,000s of activists and councillors which our leaders never saw coming.

    We had fought our way to being a big party (almost) and then it was all squandered.

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