New issue of Liberator out – 406

Liberator 406 is out and can be downloaded for free here. You can also sign up through the website to receive each issue as it comes out.

Alongside Radical Bulletin, Letters, Reviews and Lord Bonkers’ Diary, Liberator 406 includes:

Are Liberal Democrat members just electrons floating around or part of the nucleus of something larger, asks David Grace

Voter suppression – in particular of young people and ethnic groups – is a feature of Americans politics the Government seeks to import here, says Shaun Roberts

The Government looks set to make the immigration detention system even worse, and the issue will come up at elections. Margaret Lally arms Liberal Democrats with some answers

You may not get to listen to a band in a pub, venue or field this year, but the live music industry is ready to bounce back if the government will let it, says Peter Chegwyn

The UK remains enmeshed with Saudi Arabia even while it continues to export an intolerant ideology, says Rebecca Tinsley

A new Liberal Democrat campaign seeks to help people affected by the suppression of LGBT rights in parts of Poland. Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett reports

Richard Kemp details the grotesque situation inspectors have found in Labour’s Liverpool

The foundation of the SDP might seem like ancient history but a book to mark its 40th anniversary has some topical ideas, finds Susan Simmonds

Identity politics is not about elevating groups over individuals but rather ensuring that all voices are heard, says Miranda Roberts

Kirsty Williams’ decisions to stand down from Welsh Senedd leaves the Liberal Democrats facing difficult elections without a figure whose record has made her popular says Peter Black

As Labour wraps itself in the Union Jack, the Compass organisation has looked at place and identity. Are there liberal ideas there too, wonders Wendy Kyrle-Pope?

The death of Tony Greaves in March saw the loss – among much else – of a rare combination of intellectual and campaigner who had been a fixture in Liberal politics for more than 50 years. These obituaries attempt to capture some of Tony’s contribution but we’re aware there are many gaps – for example his role in the Young Liberals and his time as a political bookseller.

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  • Brad Barrows 10th Apr '21 - 6:00pm

    If we are considering politics as a form of nuclear physics, and if Labour and Conservatives are the Protons and Electrons (their charges being equal and opposite), then I suppose the Liberal Democrats are the Neutrons. i.e. what you get if you combine Protons and Neutrons – mass but no charge.

  • Nigel Jones 10th Apr '21 - 8:47pm

    But will all this be out of date soon as physicists invent a new theory to fit the new discoveries at Cern ? Perhaps it is no coincidence that we Lib-Dems also need to reassess how we fit into the new politics ?

  • Nigel Jones 10th Apr '21 - 8:59pm

    The piece about patriotic gestures raises in my mind the question, what is patriotism for ?
    Those who are disadvantaged economically or in their quality of life need to ask themselves, what is the point of patriotism if it means supporting a society that treats me unequally ? Those who care about ethical or moral values, should ask, what is the point of a patriotism that does nothing about the reputation of our country around the world ?
    What is the point of a patriotism that does not seek fundamental solutions to the problems of migration and trading relations that will affect me and my children ?
    What is the point of a patriotism that is not able to work well enough with other nations to prevent war or the effects of harm to the environment ?

  • Nick Colins 11th Apr '21 - 9:56am

    Perhaps it depends on the type of patriotism to which one subscribes. Is it: “My country right or wrong, my country” or ” My land is no land if the people thereof walk not in the paths of freedom and justice”?

    I may have got the second quote slightly wrong. Can anyone correct it or identify its origin?

  • Nick Collins 11th Apr '21 - 10:02am

    I seem to have spelt my own name wrong. How did that happen?

  • Helen Dudden 12th Apr '21 - 11:10am

    A step back in time, is about the only comment I can make about the reduction of blue badge parking in Bath.
    More student housing, but the difficulty of finding a home if you are disabled, is impossible.
    It is a return to the past when issue’s like disability are ignored. Is it a moral obligation to help those who need a little extra?
    On another subject, I support breakfast clubs, education is important. Breakfast Clubs are also a good idea for Key Workers children.
    Accessible travel works just as well for those with baby carriages. I worked with other’s recently to improve bus spaces for wheelchairs and baby carriages.

  • Helen Dudden 13th Apr '21 - 9:18am

    On Friday there will be a walk about with regards to the parking in Bath, also, there is to be some further consultation on the subject of category homes and housing.
    I fully agree, that the over turning of the decision of more building of student homes by the government to allow the build was wrong. The student builds, now out number the need in many cases.
    I cant agree, with greed and profit by the private sector being the only driving force in our society.
    The Libdem councillors have a voice.

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