Julian Huppert has already joyfully welcomed Nick Clegg’s decision to veto Tory plans on web snooping. However, I thought I’d give you the chance to hear Nick Clegg’s words from Call Clegg this morning. I certainly wasn’t expecting such an unequivocal statement. He has given himself no wiggle room at all. This is what he said:
What people have dubbed the snoopers’ charter, I just have to be clear with you, that’s not going to happen. In other words, the idea that the Government will pass a law which means there would be a record kept of every website you visit, of who you communicate with on social media sites, that’s not going to happen. It’s certainly not going to happen with Liberal Democrats in government. We all committed ourselves at the beginning of this Coalition Government to learn the lessons from the past, where Labour overdid it, tried to constantly keep tabs on everybody. We have a commitment in the Coalition Agreement to end the storage of email and internet information unless there is a very good reason to do so. Of course we need to support, and I’ve spoken to senior police officers and people from the security services, of course we need to support them. They’ve got very significant powers already which I support them in deploying to go after criminals, to keep us safe. There are technical issues about how, as technology changes you got to update that. For instance, we’ve all got more and more mobile devices but there aren’t enough IP addresses to go round and we need to straighten that out and that’s clearly something the Government will do. We will work with the police and others to do so. But this idea of a snooper’s charter, as it’s been dubbed, where a law is passed where there is a record kept of all the websites that you visit, of who you communicate with on social media sites, I’m afraid I think that’s not necessarily workable nor proportionate so it’s not going to happen.
As I understand it the IP address issue does not require legislation.
Nick added:
There is work that clearly needs to be done on issues where I think most reasonable people would think you do need to keep up with technology, particularly this issue where you have to make sure you’ve got an IP address attached to every device, you don’t. The police say that’s a big issue and you’ve got to look at that. But I think the full scale approach of basically saying you are going to just scoop up and horde huge amounts of data, for instance, literally recording every website that you ever visit, and everybody visits, so that you’ve got this great treasure trove of data that you can then dip into if you need to, I don’t think the British public will support that. I don’t think it’s in many ways necessarily workable for various technical reasons – there are large parts of the internet industry, the internet service providers, who say it’s not necessarily technically feasible, and I don’t think it’s necessarily proportionate. We’ve got to get the balance right between giving the police, of course, the tools they need to do the job, but they need to do so in a way that also gets the balance right between liberty and security, between privacy and what law enforcement agencies do.
This will undoubtedly please party activists and shows the value of the leadership and the party working together on issues, listening to each other and getting the right result. Julian Huppert’s work on this issue has been extremely helpful along with the contribution of party members like Dr Jenny Woods. Let’s be clear: if the Liberal Democrats were not in Government, these authoritarian, illiberal and draconian measures would probably be law by now. It was Nick Clegg putting his foot down last year, and insisting on a draft bill which was carefully scrutinised and rejected last December that set us on the road to today. This is a very significant protection that Liberal Democrats have won for the British people.
No ifs, buts or maybes, Nick has done a good job on this one.
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
Good best thing you done in ages but sadly IC Orwellian Control freaks in all parties getting stronger SAD
Hooray! And a week before the local elections is, shall we say, helpful. Well done.
“As I understand it the IP address issue does not require legislation.”
No but if government don’t get a move on and adopt IPv6 then there may well be…
I expect most devices are behind a NAT firewall/router, and only have local IP addresses, and this is a good thing for their security. NAT has put off the need to switch to IPv6 (which has plenty of IP addresses) for fear of running out. I’m not clear what the police are getting at here, but if they are saying NAT is a problem for their snooping capability, they ought to get some perspective. If it were mandated that all devices have a public IP address, we would have a botnet problem, delivering cyber attacks and spam, completely dwarfing what we have today.
“Nick Clegg: Snoopers’ charter is not going to happen with Liberal Democrats in Government”
The problem with that statement is that it just highlights all the things that have been allowed to happen with Liberal Democrats in government.
Well can I say how proud of hearing what nick has said today. Following on from the lib Dems victory over the equality general duty this makes it clear what the party stands for.
I always said that if the libdems give up civil liberties what is the point of the party, we might as well pack up and go home.
I am so grateful for all those within the party who flight this and it proves campaigning works
Lib Dems are the only party of civil liberties.
Fantastic news.
The IP issue, translated back into techno-speak is lsNAT.
If ISPs or MNOs use lsNAT then multiple customers will share a public IP address. At the moment, if you call an ISP and say “which customer of yours was using at 8am yesterday”, they can say who. Now that customer might have a local NAT, so you’d have to do some work to identify the device, but you know which DSL line it was.
Under lsNAT, the ISP will say “these 10 customers were using that IP at that time”, which is much more difficult for the police.
LsNAT looks to be more likely for MNOs than for fixed-line ISPs. Even if they implement IPv6, there’s still the choice between a dual-stack solution and NAT64, and IPv4 traffic coming from NAT64 translators is going to be just as difficult to get back to the source as lsNAT IPv4 traffic.
@Steve – “The problem with that statement is that it just highlights all the things that have been allowed to happen with Liberal Democrats in government.”
What a mean spirited comment! Maybe Steve isn’t a Lib Dem but if he is – how about celebrating when our leader has the balls to do this? It is far from the first time that the Lib Dems have demonstrated these qualities but a particularly resounding and significant one. Have the Steves of this world any perception of how much political courage and tenacity it takes to do something like this as the junior party in a coalition?
I am one of many who are proud of you, Nick.