Opinion: Apps – a new weapon in the campaigning arsenal

In the 2010 general election it was the norm for all candidates to have a website, blog, Facebook page and Twitter account. Social media were spreading, even back then, and becoming a way for politicians to reach out to the people they represent, not just as a news outlet, but, as Tom Brake recently wrote on Lib Dem Voice, a method for opening a two-way communication with the electorate.

But now, with the spread of smart phones, we are entering an age where the politicians can add another weapon to their arsenal. An app! In the UK we are yet to see politicians really embrace apps, although they are already big on the other side of the pond.

These apps range from anything as simple as a collator of all the other information on the web, to clever personal information-gathering apps. For example, Mitt Romney published an app where he asked people to enter their personal info and he would announce to them, before anyone else, who his running mate would be.

The potential for apps is limitless. In time, it is easily foreseeable that politicians will use apps to let their constituents know when and where they are available for surgeries, to let people donate to the campaign, rapidly join the party, and even submit casework.

Imagine the possibility if a resident is out and about, if they can take a photo of a broken paving slab, or a pothole, and submit this via the app to their MP or Councillor’s casework file. Then when it is fixed the user is automatically informed. This will revolutionise the interaction between politician and electorate.

We need to embrace this new technology! I have released an iPhone App. Please search for “Richard Davis” on the Apple App Store and let me know what you think, I would like to hear your suggestions of what I should add for the next release.

* Richard Davis is a prospective Member of the European Parliament for London. His website is here.

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  • Simon McGrath 15th Oct '12 - 2:03pm

    Great idea

  • “For example, Mitt Romney published an app where he asked people to enter their personal info and he would announce to them, before anyone else, who his running mate would be.”

    Presumably “before anyone else” in this context means “at the same time as everyone else who had fallen for the ruse, and a second or two before the news media”!

  • Daniel Henry 15th Oct '12 - 3:29pm

    I quite enjoyed the conference app. I found it much more convenient than using the paper directory.

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