It was great to spend a day campaigning for Lucy Salek in Lewisham East yesterday. It was my second time helping the campaign, greatly assisted by an off-peak Travelcard, which allowed fulsome use of the train, tube and bus. Tragically, there was a fatal incident on the line yesterday around Hither Green and Lee stations, meaning that I ended up, to my surprise, in New Eltham, at one point.
Anyway, our enormous HQ was brimming with volunteers all day. A hive of industry. There were people there from as far afield as Falmouth. It was particularly good to join in the traditional Blue envelope addressing work!
The day was enlivened by a visit from Paddy. It was very good to see him in excellent form. What a marvel he is. You always feel better with him on your side.
I crept into the HQ while Paddy was talking with volunteers. As he went to go, he noticed that I had appeared and very kindly recognised and greeted me. I think this serves as his septuagenarian short and long term memory test for this year – he passed with flying colours!
Good luck to Lucy and team for tomorrow!
Photo immediately above by Liberal Democrats.
* Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist and member of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.