Iain Dale has the story of Ralph Buckle, the chair of University of York Conservatives until he called for people to vote UKIP. He’s now an ex-chair and ex-member.
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Tim Leunig
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So why haven’t they expelled Tebbit then?
It wouldn’t have happened in my day but then I seem to remember at the last Euro Elections the Tories were unable to even find an MEP candidate to come to the hustings on campus.
“So why haven’t they expelled Tebbit then?”
Because he’s been careful not to advise people explicitly to vote UKIP.
Reading the frothing comments on Iain Dale’s piece sticking up for the guy.
I for one really do not get it why Tories have this love-in with a party (UKIP) which loathes and despises them and, Mitty-like, dreams of destroying them for taking us into the EU, the SEA, Maastricht etc. If the guy had advocated voting Labour, or Lib Dem, or even “No 2 EU” (ie Crow’s Trots + Radford), they’d have torn him limb from limb.
mark pack,at least the tories have to kick people out,not like the illiberals democrats who seem to be losing lib dems members and councillors to the tories,’freely’.
I constantly surprised by the number of Tory members and councillors who say they will be voting UKIP and want to leave the EU. They can’t expell them all.