Re-elect Danny Alexander to bring real change

Private Eye’s Electionballs has this entry

The Conservatives weren’t the only ones using the “change” mantra whether it made sense or not. Highland Lib Dem Danny Alexander’s “local news” sheet made the bizarre plea: “Re-elect Danny to bring real change”.

Before Thursday, Danny’s constituents had a Labour government. Danny is now Secretary of State for Scotland, having been a member of the Lib Dem negotiation team that brought about the first government with Lib Dem or Liberal ministers in over sixty years.

Yep, I’d say that counted as “real change”.

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This entry was posted in Humour.


  • Good to see Danny coming through.

    Sad to see we lost Lembit Opik, but kind of wonder if we could put him up for the Mayor of London job…..

  • ‘Yep, I’d say that counted as “real change”’

    Yes – to a Tory government, thanks to the shameless hypocrisy of Mr Alexander and his chums

  • We’ll hopefully see soon enough what his voters think about this ‘change’. Hopefully he will go the same way as the rest of the MPs who voted for this deal.

  • @ Rachel New – you mean “into government, implementing a big chunk of the manifesto they were elected on, while Labour sit as the opposition that Labour chose to be, after the election held under the voting system that Labour chose”?

  • In a few months or so the tories are going to pull the rug out from under the LibDems feet, I can’t help but feel Nick is being taken for a ride by a ‘smooth operator’…….

  • Just wail til the Tories raise VAT with Clegg sat next to Cameron.Then we’ll see real change.

  • Yes, I’m sure Scottish Lib Dem voters will be delighted that Alexander has delivered a Tory government.

    As will all those Lib Dem voters in the cities. I’m sure they all secretly wanted a Tory government too.

    Come to think of it, can anyone point out the difference between the Tories and the Lib Dems now?

  • Clegg and Cameron looked like two little Tories having a jolly laugh at Number 10 today.

    What what the phrase the US Right used to use? “Useful idiots”? The Lib Dems will be trampled on when it suits.

    It’s a sad moment for the progressive left. Labour are now the only alternative.

  • Heather Mackintosh 15th May '10 - 1:59pm

    Danny Alexander should hang his head in shame.
    He has betrayed the people of the Highlands.

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