How Rochdale Labour Party have dumped Gordon Brown

A rather illuminating decision by Rochdale District Labour Party: on their website, they have a sizeable photograph in the middle of their front page.

Is it their leading local member? No.

Is it the Prime Minister? No.

It’s David Miliband, MP for nowhere near Rochdale:

Rochdale District Labour Party website

(Click on graphic for full-size screenshot)

Is Gordon Brown mentioned anywhere on the site? No.

A clue as to who Labour members think is and isn’t popular perhaps?

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  • Clegg's Candid Friend 22nd Sep '08 - 11:53pm

    It could have been worse:

  • I think I can reveal another world exclusive!

    The Lib Dem broadcast that was aired last week was billed as a Party Conference Boradcast. This week the BBC’s Ceefax site lists Party Political Broadcasts on BB1 and BBC2 tonight for the Labour Party.

    However, ITV describe it as a ‘Party Election Broadcast’. I don’t think this is as constitutionally correct as announcing it to Parliament or even asking the monarch, but it is one up on Blair’s sick-making use of a school as a back drop to the announcement in 2005. In some ways, it’s a very democratic way of doing it.

    It is however yet another example of Labour saying different things to different channela. No doubt they will blame the media for this ‘mistake’ and, following Ruth Kelly’s resignation to spend more time with her religion, Brown will this afternoon bottle yet another election announcement.

    Maybe Rochdale Labour Party’s website will be proved right by this time next week!

  • Dave Hennigan 24th Sep '08 - 11:42am

    Chris Paul has gone stone mad! I knew he was crackers but this confirms it! Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council apologised to me for his behaviour. The official line from Labour in Manchester is “Nowt to do with us!”

    Now Chris Paul, the unelectable idiot fires his guns at me personally and insists on just making up stories. It’s no wonder he has lost seat after seat against the Lib Dems. Clue about his motivation? Probably!

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