So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodnight

So, 13 hours after it began, my day as guest editor comes to an end. I’ve loved it but I am so, so tired. I think it’s going to take me a week to recover.

I’ve always admired the Voice Team but am now even more convinced than ever that whenever you see Alex Foster, Sara Bedford, Helen Duffett, Mark Pack, Stephen Tall and Iain Roberts, not forgetting Ryan Cullen for his technical wizardry, you should offer them food, alcohol, cuddles or all three. They do this every day. Blimey!

I want to say a huge thank you to lots of lovely people.

Firstly, those who have provided me with the articles you’ve seen today:

Paul Freeman, who I forgot to say in his article blogs at Set in Darkness

Callum Leslie

Susan Kramer

Tim Farron

Cllr Jenny Dawe

Stephen Glenn

Katy Gordon

George Lyon MEP

Peter Barrett

And Jo Swinson MP and Alex White for being such superb interviewees.

To my lovely daughter Anna for having to go without the laptop for the second evening running and for helping me with various technical issues and to my long suffering husband Bob for, well, being long and suffering.

To Cadbury’s for making the Caramel Nibbles which have got me through the day (and last night)

I hope you’ve found something on here that you’ve liked today.  If you have, I’d love to see you over at my own blog, Caron’s Musings.

Now, I’m off to taste my first champagne (or something like that with more red grapes and less bubbles).

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  • Well done, an interesting day on LDV!

  • I’d like to thank Caron too and will try to read more of her articles.
    Kind of unfortunate to be given the guest editor spot when there’s a storm raging that is tending to obliterate most other subjects but it speaks to your fortitude that did the job with such good grace.

  • Liberal Neil 15th Oct '10 - 9:13am

    Thank you Caron, that was an interesting set of articles you put together.

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