Tag Archives: chris maines

Chris Maines elected as London Chair

Chris MainesCongratulations to Chris Maines who was elected as Chair of London Region on Saturday!

He succeeds Mike Tuffrey, who had come to the end of his term of office and was not eligible for re-election.

Chris has been a councillor for a total of 28 years, and has served as Leader of Bromley Council and Leader of the Opposition in Lewisham.  He has run for Parliament, and has been closely involved with party conferences as Chief Steward and currently on the Federal Conference Committee.

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Two priceless conference comedy moments (for about five people on the surface of Planet Earth)

Colin Rosenstiel is a Lib Dem legend, star of constitutional minutiae and progenitor of bicycling anecdotes.

At 9am yesterday, there was a constitutional amendments debate. (Yes – riveting. A few minutes before it was due to start, the audience would have been out-numbered by those six Liberal MPs who could get into a taxi in 1970. The debate started with the words, “Good morning, fellow insomniacs!”)

At the end, Colin stood up and raised a point of order – the Lib Dem equivalent of firing a tactical nuclear weapon. Something about a separate vote. The comedy moment was the withering, over-the-top-of-the-glasses dismissal …

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Local liberal heroes: Duwayne Brooks

A while back, I penned a series of posts profiling forgotten liberal heroes (to which a couple of other people also kindly contributed), looking at some of those who achieved great things for liberalism in their time but have been unjustly forgotten – such as Margaret Wintringham, the very first female Liberal MP.

There is also another group of people who I think are often unjustly obscure – those local campaigners who are often at the heart of their local community and local party, delivering liberalism and helping others, but as their stage is a local one they are often unacknowledged

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Duwayne Brooks to stand for Lib Dems in Lewisham

The Mirror today reports what visitors to Lewisham Lib Dems’ website knew last week – that Duwayne Brooks, one of the best friends of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence is fighting a council by-election for the Lib Dems:

Liberal Democrats have selected two people committed to working hard on behalf of Downham residents to fight the Council by-elections on February 19th, Duwayne Brooks and Jenni Clutten. They hope to join Cllr Julia Fletcher as the representatives for the area on Lewisham Council.

Duwayne, 33, is well known in Lewisham as a campaigner against knife crime and, if elected, will be working

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Recent Comments

  • Jenny Barnes
    I think the £2 bus fare cap was a good policy. But it's a bit unfair to blame Reeves for increasing it, as it terminated at the end of 2024 with no funding. ...
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    “In choosing to freeze fuel duty whilst partially removing the fare cap on bus journeys Rachel Reeves made a curious choice.” Indeed she did. It is al...
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