Tag Archives: data communications bill

A quiet word in defence of Alex Carlile

alex carlile2 from bells yard
I fully support the decision of my friend and colleague Caron Lindsay, Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice, to initiate a debate on the actions of Lord Carlile in connection with the Counter Terrorism Bill and an amendment (which apparently is still hanging over parliament like the sword of Damocles) which would effectively bring in the Communications Data Bill (or “Snoopers’ Charter”) by a back door/shoe-horn.

I strongly disapprove of those actions, taken by Lord Carlile and a few other peers.

Posted in Op-eds | Also tagged , and | 14 Comments

The right to privacy: “in a country born on the will to be free, what could be more fundamental than this?”

With news today of yet further alleged intrusion into private citizens’ communications — GCHQ taps fibre-optic cables for secret access to world’s communications (Guardian) — here’s how The West Wing anticipated the past week’s furore…

Posted in YouTube | Also tagged , and | 13 Comments

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  • Nonconformistradical
    "The defenders of participatory democracy need to address the inequality that underpins it in the form of those likely to participate." Indeed. By being proa...
  • Michael Bukola
    The defenders of participatory democracy need to address the inequality that underpins it in the form of those likely to participate. Different social groups re...
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