Tag Archives: labservative

So. Farewell Then Labservative.com

So. Farewell

Spoof Lib Dem website
Which introduced the
World to
Gorvid Camerown.

Yes. You are
The first victim of
The coalition cuts.

65 years of
Two-party rule
Was your catchphrase.

You just
Never said
Which two parties.

Now gone from the web
Twitter and YouTube.

But we shall
Always have
The memories.

Rest in
Taking the piss.

EJ Thribb (17½)

Posted in General Election and Humour | 8 Comments

3 ways the Labservatives blocked the Lib Dems cleaning up politics

Labour and Conservatives, Conservatives and Labour: same difference, as the Lib Dems’ rather fabulous Labservative website points out. Here are just three examples from the past 12 months of ways in which the Labservatives have blocked Lib Dem attempts to reform our broken political system …

The public’s right to sack MPs

The Liberal Democrats tabled an amendment in June 2009 to place a responsibility on the Secretary of State to review and report on procedures for constituencies to recall their MPs if they have been found guilty of misconduct.

Labour voted against these measures and the Tories refused to back them.

Cap on party donations

Posted in News | Also tagged and | 6 Comments

Labservative: the party hits the streets to find out what the public thinks

“This is a man. This is a street. Let’s talk Labservative.” More Alan Partridge than your usual Party Political Broadcast fare:

Posted in General Election, Humour and Online politics | 7 Comments

Labservative.com: reaction so far

Earlier today Stephen covered the launch of www.labservative.com saying,

The Labservative pitch is clear enough: Labour and the Tories are way too similar, and neither is capable of producing change. It’s a familiar enough Lib Dem campaign charge. It’s a pleasantly unfamiliar position for the party to be making the point in a wittily Web 2.0 way. Well done, Cowley Street!

The site is already doing very well at garnering coverage – and positive coverage no less (did someone mutter CashGordon?):

  • Lib Dems target ‘Labservatives’ with guerilla advertising campaign – The Guardian
  • The Lib Dems have launched quite an effective site

Posted in General Election, Humour and Online politics | 21 Comments

Lib Dems launch Labservative.com

Lib Dems still reeling from Vince Cable’s debate victory in Ask the Chancellors, have another reason to be reeling today … the party has launched a subversive multimedia viral ad campaign – www.labservative.com – and it’s a 24-carat success.

The Labservative pitch is clear enough: Labour and the Tories are way too similar, and neither is capable of producing change. It’s a familiar enough Lib Dem campaign charge. It’s a pleasantly unfamiliar position for the party to be making the point in a wittily Web 2.0 way. Well done, Cowley Street!

Here’s the video:

Posted in General Election, Humour and Online politics | 7 Comments

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