Tag Archives: liberal democrat staff

Liberal Democrat staffer wins award!

At a time when there are so few things to celebrate – no shock by-election wins to enjoy, and the prospect of delay of the elections currently scheduled for May – it’s nice to be able to congratulate a fellow Liberal Democrat for winning an award.

Naimah Khatun is a Parliamentary Assistant in the Liberal Democrat Whip’s Office in the Lords, and today she’s been announced as The House magazine’s Westminster Staffer of the Year (Crossbench, Independent, Liberal Democrats and Other Parties). Here’s the announcement of the award, and her response.

And here’s the response from the Parliamentary Party in the Lords…

Congratulations …

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Lib Dem staff elect reps to Federal Committees

Lib Dem staff at LDHQ in London have clearly not had enough of elections for this year! They have just held their own elections for staff reps to the federal committees.

An insider explained to us what the staff reps did:

Staff reps have two main roles. Firstly, each rep either sits on a Federal committee or is a social rep. Staff reps are non-voting members of Federal committees they sit, their job is to express to views of staff and communicate how plans that Federal committees propose will affect staff. The second part of the staff rep role is to act in the role of a union rep where they will be able to accompany a member of staff to a meeting with management if you are you’re facing a disciplinary charge or you wish to raise a grievance with your employer. Any member of staff employed by the Federal party can stand and vote in the staff rep elections.

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Director of Elections Hilary Stephenson to leave after Spring Conference

Director of Elections Hilary Stephenson is to leave the Liberal Democrats soon after Spring Conference.

This news comes a few months after a staff reorganisation which saw many key campaigners, including Austin Rathe, Victoria Marsom and Steve Jolly leave LDHQ.

Hilary is a long-time friend and colleague of leader Tim Farron. He is known to credit her for his victory in Westmorland and Lonsdale and with supporting the local team to the point where they run the council by a significant margin.

Chief Executive Tim Gordon praised Hilary:

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Why calling for HQ staff to be sacked is unacceptable and will not be tolerated on LDV

There have been a few snarky comments directed at me on various places on the internet because we don’t allow comments on this site which abuse members of HQ staff. We can’t always catch them all, so if you see any, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

I’ve also had a few very nasty emails calling me all sorts of names because of this policy from people who should know better. I mean, imagine if yours or your partner’s or your mum’s head was being called for on some random website. I doubt you would like it that much.

And bear in mind that you might think you have the right to inflict your opinions about individuals on the rest of the world, but they can’t answer back. That’s hardly a fair situation.

This evening, one member of staff posted this on their Facebook page. Some of you reading this will have seen it but if you are going to comment, please don’t mention their name. I did obviously get their permission before I posted it on here but it doesn’t need to be personalised.

What has been particularly unpleasant is the sight of senior Liberal Democrat figures pretty much suggesting that a particular individual should be pretty much deported.

How would you feel if that were you. Anyway, read how it actually makes real human beings feel.  They are hurting just as much as the rest of us with the added fear of potentially losing their jobs and we have a duty of care towards them as towards any other part of the Lib Dem family:

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