Tag Archives: new year message

Alex Cole-Hamilton’s New Year Message

Alex Cole-Hamilton sets out the issues the Scottish Lib Dems will be campaigning for in the coming year.  They won’t come as a surprise to party members – social care, housing, carers, insulation, additional support needs and health services.

Here it is in full:

This new year comes at something of a critical hour for Scotland.

After more than 17 years of SNP mismanagement, so many people feel like nothing works anymore. Many of them are tearing their hair out trying to see a GP or an NHS dentist. Parents are worried about their children’s educations and futures. Businesses are struggling to make ends meet, held back by crumbling transport links and staff forced off work by long NHS waiting lists.

People are fed up, but they also want to see those they have elected to parliament doing something about it. As their elected representatives, we have a duty to try and unpick some of the damage wrought by the SNP.

Liberal Democrats know that the only thing that will bring about the change that Scotland needs is a change of government. The election at which we can deliver that change is now less than 500 days away.

But it is not good enough to simply wait for that election. That’s why my party and I have sought to improve the lot of our constituents in the forthcoming budget, and you can see significant Liberal Democrat demands backed into the pages of the first draft.

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Boris offers us a petrol station bouquet as a peace offering…

I’ve watched the Boris Johnson New Year greeting to the nation – feel free to take a look if you’re so inclined – and am as unimpressed as I am unsurprised.

We are promised a decade of growth and innovation, a better NHS, safer streets, an improved environment, and so on and so forth. All very nice, after all, how could anyone disagree with any of that? But, despite the suggestion that we are being invited to pull together, that we now have “a People’s Government, delivering the People’s priorities” (yes, he really did say that… again), he said little that …

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Happy New Year to all!

Yes, it’s time to say goodbye to 2017, and hello to a brand new year. On behalf of the whole Liberal Democrat Voice team, I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year, and hope that you’ve enjoyed the festive season so far.

It will be another quiet day at LDV Towers, made more so by the fact that your Day Editor is five hours adrift – I’m off out to dinner in about an hour. But remember, we welcome your comments, contributions and support, so do feel free to let us have your thoughts!

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Willie Rennie MSP’s New Year Message: 3 vital issues we must tackle in 2013

Saltire - St Andrews Flag - Scotland - Some rights reserved by byronv2After the merriment of Christmas, New Year is a time to look forward. A time to set new goals and ambitions. A time to confront those things that we have put off in previous years.

For most, this will mean eating less and exercising more but as a nation we are confronted with far greater challenges than losing a few pounds.

The welfare state was constructed and sustained with the goal of eradicating what Beveridge called “the five giant evils of society” – squalor, ignorance, want, idleness and disease.

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Recent Comments

  • John Mc
    This is all good stuff, but honestly, who is really getting to hear it? Reform have 5 MPs yet seem to be being anointed as a government in waiting. The LDs hav...
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