Tag Archives: pension funds

Woodford – a lesson in hubris, both for individuals and councils

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The story of the Woodford Equity Income fund should give investors great pause for thought concerning how many eggs to put in one particular basket.

The Guardian reports:

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How to prevent a repeat of the Carillion catastrophe

Whenever a rather technical public policy question pokes its nose out into the wide world of mass public interest a vacuum is created, a vacuum quickly filled with a gamut on nonsense and conspiracy theory.
The collapse of the Carillion has prompted just such fits of hysteria, but while I don’t particularly care that a private company has gone out of business, the issue of the pension fund liabilities is one that will recur many more times for policy makers in the UK as a direct consequence of economic policies pursued since 2007.
Posted in Op-eds | Also tagged | 40 Comments

Recent Comments

  • Tristan Ward
    This is a fine speech, marching toward the sound of gunfire. The reference to the Commonwealth is good too. Poor old Charles though - the bait to get Trum...
  • Simon R
    For once I actually agree with Steve, to the extent that coming up with a plan to fix the problem would be a lot more constructive than simply complaining about...
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    A splendidly vigorous and broad-ranging speech from Ed which we hope will be well reported. It is to be hoped also that Federal Policy Committee will be bringin...
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    In his Financial Times Politics newsletter this morning, based on the advance copy of Ed’s speech, Stephen Bush was very complimentary about Ed’s strategic ...