… Tessa Jowell, who has demanded the Prime Minister sets up an independent investigation into the allegations against Chris Huhne.
Yup, in addition to a police investigation into the allegations she also wants a second investigation to investigate the very same things the police are investigating.
I know it can be hard for an opposition to find something to say about a story to muscle in on the media coverage but… it’s no wonder one journalist told me they found her remarks so risible they decided they weren’t usable.
I feel a little disappointed. I would have called for a full Royal Commission.
Dang, Stuart got there first… I was just going to start up on “Let’s have a Royal Commission!”
How about a national referendum?
Can I up the ante, let’s ask the Spanish to provide an inquisition !!
Because nobody expects the Spanish inquisition !!!
Refer it to the Hague?
Did Tessa worry about another parliamentary colleague’s driving record?
Thought not.
Let the Italian Police do a review – I hear they are very thorough.
Surely the daftest comment was “‘I really don’t think it is sensible to have these sorts of conversations on the phone,” rather than “What are you talking about? I never made you take any points.”
And how many daft comments did Lib Dem MPs make about government ministers in trouble in the past ? Did you point out and condemn each of these ?
Be careful to base your arguments on principles of justice rather than silly tribal loyalties.
It is unfair to make fun of Tessa Jowell. She is too easy a target. I think we need a superinjunction to stop people putting Ms Jowell through a process of Urethral Extraction.
Are there any volunteers out there in case I get any driving points? Ta!
Wot Dan said.
This is daft.