In July the Mail on Sunday reported allegations that Liberal Democrat MP Tessa Munt had falsely claimed a council tax discount. As the BBC now reports:
Wells MP Tessa Munt has been cleared of allegations of falsely claiming a single occupier council tax discount.
The Lib Dem has always denied any wrongdoing over newspaper allegations she had friends living with her.
Hat-tip: Jonathan Calder
Not that the Mail will sit up and take any notice of course.
Yes, I haven’t been able to find anything in the Mail about it. Has anyone else? They had THREE stories about it before.
The BBC and local press have got it wrong. She hasn’t been cleared of council tax fraud investigations, she has been cleared of the possible criminal case. There is still a civil action which Sedgemoor Council are still persuing against her. They passed the case to the police initially to see whether there was a criminal case and the police said it was not a criminal matter, so she has indeed been cleared of the criminal action. But the Civil action continues. So it’s a rather misleading article by the BBC.
She has not been cleared by Sedgemoor District Council. Lib Dem lawyers are still desperately trying to extricate her from the mess (no doubt at huge cost to Cowley Street). There never were any accusations of electoral fraud or criminal prosecutions, so to say she has been cleared of these is only spin. I challenge you to ask Ms Munt whether she has been cleared of civil proceedings and that SDC are no longer investigating her and then report back on this site.
Makp, how can anyone say they have “been cleared of civil proceedings” ?