The Elephant Interviews… at last in Sheffield!

Hello fluffy friends!

Next week, Saturday 1 November, will be the Liberal Democrats’ Yorkshire and Humber Regional Conference, to be held at Sheffield Cathedral Conference Centre, Sheffield Cathedral, Church Street, Sheffield S1 1HA. And I have FINALLY managed to arrange the long-promised, never-forgotten Lib Dem Bloggers Not-in-London Interview with the Leader of the Party, Mr Nick Clegg.


Mr Nick is very kindly going to make time for us in the afternoon for forty-five minutes to an hour between 2pm and 4pm (I shall know more precise details by next week!)

Our interviews tend to be quite informal, as people take turns to put their questions and then Mr Nick will talk about the issues, and we can reply with follow-up questions and get quite a conversation going. It is a terrific way to hear Mr Nick’s ideas – and also to pass your ideas on to him. No other party has such a great opportunity!

Places ARE limited to around half-a-dozen, so it will have to be on a first-come first-served basis – with priority to those people who expressed an interest all those months ago (no, we didn’t forget you!).

So if you have questions to put to the Party Leader, and Blog on which to write up the interview, or even if you would like to write it all up for Lib Dem Voice, then come along to the conference and join my Daddies and me!

If you are interested, please e-mail me at [email protected].

See you in Sheffield!

Love from Millennium (Now read my diary!)

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