The LDV Friday Five: 18 February 2011

It’s Friday. It’s five o’clock. Here’s a fistful of lists that sum up the LDV week:

5 most-read stories on LDV this week

  1. Lib Dem council leaders attack Pickles over speed and scale of cuts (42 comments) by Sara Bedford
  2. Eight former Liberal Democrat candidates take part in Labour’s policy-making process (47 comments) by Mark Pack
  3. Jeremy Browne writes: Why liberals should support the Big Society (42 comments) by Jeremy Browne MP
  4. Opinion: Taxing stuff – what George Monbiot got wrong (35 comments) by Max Teuerman
  5. Paul Scriven writes: we cannot let Labour off the hook on Council cuts (52 comments) by Paul Scriven

5 sample LDV Members’ Forum threads

  1. NUS leaked memo says tuition fees system “progressive”
  2. A good week for social liberals …
  3. Changing education paradigms
  4. Time to reduce tax on fags
  5. Some funny pictures

5 from the LDV archive

(18th February, 2008-10)

  1. What will the impact be of MPs’ expenses on turnout? (1 comment) by Mark Pack, from 2010
  2. BBC issues usual Question Time non-response (14 comments) by Stephen Tall, from 2010
  3. Opinion: Why we should be learning lessons from Howard Dean (1 comment) by Lynne Featherstone MP, from 2009
  4. Kennedy up for election (3 comments) by The Voice, from 2008
  5. Opinion: non-domiciles and tax (17 comments) by Vince Cable MP, from 2008

5 top reader search returns to get to LDV

(excluding Liberal Democrat Voice or its variants)

  1. dominic carman
  2. purdah
  3. ld mps
  4. welfare reform bill 2011
  5. barnsley central

5 recent Lib Dem tweets

  • @katygordon Well done to our peers and MPs as AV Referendum Bill is finally passed. Now let’s get on with winning the referendum on 5th May #yes2AV
  • @DuncanStott UK is gripped by electoral reform fever! 😀
  • @robinmeltzer Apart from anything else, referenda are just fun. It’s the whole YES NO thing. YES obviously being the correct answer. #YestoAV
  • @miss_s_b got spring conference pack through today. Commencing customary panic about how I’m getting there, where I’m sleeping, nothing organised, etc
  • @zoeimogen New Blog Post: Full marriage equality, at last?
  • If you are a Lib Dem who tweets, and would like to be added to Ryan’s Lib Dem Tweets aggregator, drop him an email at [email protected]

    That’s it from the LDV Friday Five. Let the weekend commence in 5-4-3-2-1…

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