There’s no prize at stake – just the opportunity to prove you’re wittier than any other LDV reader …
Here’s Lib Dem MP for Somerton and Frome David Heath promoting the Lib Dems’ campaign to axe the beer tax. What do you think David, or his companion, might be saying to each other, or thinking about each other?
The winner of our most recent caption competition, the “Lembit pops his cork edition” edition last month – according to The Voice’s judging panel of one – was this one from Anthony Aloysius St.
While Axe the Beer Tax is a campaign we bloody ought to be supporting strongly (my PPC is), it’s not a LD campaign, ’twas set up by industry groups and CAMRA.
My brain refuses to come up with any slogan that isn’t filthy, so I’ll leave that for JEnnie.
“We’ve had Lembit and his magic flutes, three Dems behind a bar, but wait till Mulholland sees this one: small glasses my a*se; here I want great big beer goggles!”
David: “Nick, you don’t think you’re going a bit over the top with this campaign to win over the LGBT vote, do you?”
Does Somerton and Frome include Cadbury Castle?
If so, there’s a pint and a half in every …
David Heath walked into a bar and asked for a double entendre, so the barmaid gave him one.
“Hywel began to really regret not working for David any more……” 🙂
Poor David – he thought he was signing up to the ‘Axe the beard tax’
He would have looked so much less seedy if he had just had one more shirt button done up
By the way I still like the way that the advertising arrangements throw up the most inappropriate ads – as I’ve been viewing this just now, there’s a big banner above it inviting me to go on some march to ‘Save the Child Trust Fund’, when one of our party’s best policies is abolishing this silly waste of money and spending it on something much better instead – like on early years provision and education, rather than giving it to them so that in 18 years’ they can spend it on tuition fees that they shouldn’t have to pay anyway…
Barperson: “Don’t get any ideas about a swift light and bitter”.
David Heath says to the voluptuous bar maid ,
`If I had two more like you in my Campaign Team I would win by a landslide and also gain free CAMRA membership for life’.
This beer is really great…
I have just spent the past half hour looking at this picture trying to think of something witty. However, it has not been a complete waste of time.
… and I thought we were the temperance party ….
(That’s an observation, not a caption)
Gwyn, the Liberals were the temperence party to an extent, as were Labour, both had roots in the old non-conformist temperence movements.
But the Liberal Democrats are a liberal party across the board, and thus respect the individuals right to choose. Besides which, massive amounts of data showing that encouraging beer drinking decreases drunkenness; it’s spirits and fizzy lagers/alcopops that’re the problem.
I don’t think a policy of temperence would gain much traction with a lot of the current membership; definitely not in my branch.
Is that Jennifer Ellison? Yummy! 🙂
…and of course, let us not forget on this darkest of nights for many colleagues, including those from Somerton and Frome, cider!
By the way Jeremy, the ad for the Child Trust Fund thing is still there. I note Stuart White of Oxford UNiversity is speaking – he makes a compelling case that we should not be objecting to the CTF as throughout the second half of the twnetieth century we used to go on about “ownership for all” and, well, this is one small step in realising that 1951 manifesto commitment. Or something.
Got a point there Jock, yes, the new “piss off the bit of the country that never voted for us” tax is more’n a little annoying; I tend (incorrectly) to associate both duties together, we should reduce the duty on all drinks served in pint glasses, and increase it on anything in a can or bottle.
My cleavage is better than yours!
Well, maybe you could also favour those not intended to be drunk out of the bottle.
My professional pride will not let me say anything other than…
Barmaid: Never mind the state of this pint I have pulled, look at my cleavage!
I am very uncomfortable about both the picture and some of the suggestions for a caption, by the way. Just saying. Beer is important in and of itself, without having to be associated with T&A for slavering het boys.
“…The rest I just squandered.”
He’s saying “…and a pint for my other face too please!”
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[…] winner of our most recent caption competition, the “Why David Heath’s not bitter” edition last month – according to The Voice’s judging panel of one – was this old-ones-are-the-best […]