The Liberal Democrat Voice Pumpkin Parade

So, it’s Hallowe’en. I thought we should join in with the fun, especially as I’m at home with a full-on dose of Empty Nest Syndrome as the Teenager, for the first time, bails for a party with her friends.

Nick Clegg has been at a party too, today.  He tweeted from the event at Great Ormond St Hospital.

Liberal Democrats have been busy carving pumpkins, too and I thought you ought to see some of the delights on offer.

First up, this from Edinburgh’s Alex Cole-Hamilton:

Halloween ACH pumpkin


And Merida from Jenni Lang

halloween merida pumpkin jenni lang


Kavya Kaushik paid homage to Craig David

Halloween craig david kavya pumpkin


And, finally, wining the Ryan Coetzee Award, the “on message” Pumpkin from Kris Brown. He says this is his first ever attempt. Well, I hope he’s taking orders for next year to match the “in volume”, although “over time” I suspect they would disintegrate into a soggy mess. Unlike Ryan’s messages of course. What’s more, this is being used to illuminate a spooky phonebanking session tonight.

Update: Nick Clegg’s Director of Strategy has given the pumpkin his seal of approval.

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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