If you would like to escape briefly from the turmoil of our domestic politics, here is one possible way to do it, in a new light-hearted book by former Edinburgh West MP, John Barrett.
Set on the Greek island of Kalymnos, a former MP settles back in the house he designed for his daughter and her family, where he expected to visit his grandchildren in the future, but after a family crisis the house lay empty. It was now the perfect place to go to recover from illness and to write the story of his life.
He expected to leave politics far behind him, as all he wanted he wanted was peace and quiet where he could relax and write, but seeing the island and its people suffering and in decline, he finds it difficult to resist when they ask him to help them, and to stand for election as The Mayor of Kalymnos. Having never lost an election in his life, he was not about to start now.
It is part memoir and a work of fiction. Some memories are of real events and most names have been changed, especially when he recalls his life at Westminster. Other events are from John’s imagination, such as the Lib-Dem Focus style election campaign on the small Greek island.
The paperback and e-book are currently available on Amazon, as well as in hardback and in Waterstones bookshop. The synopsis, and more, is on the website.
One Comment
Kalymnos is a wonderful island.