Here’s your starter for ten in our weekend slot where we throw up an idea or thought for debate…
Over the last three years Obama has had to concede much of his programme to Republicans in Congress. His healthcare reforms had to be significantly watered down even before Republicans won back the House of Representatives in 2010. And the reforms themselves have since acted as a lightning rod for criticism of the President.
Obama is struggling to get the economy going again amid continued turbulence in the global economy and unemployment is staying stubbornly high despite the massive £800 billion stimulus package. Even now he is under fire from both left and right for not being able to secure a deal on the deficit.
With such a difficult background for the current president, is Mitt Romney right to believe he could do a better job?
Would his experience as a businessman and a successful state governor create the change that the country needs?
And would a Republican president be able to better bridge the gap between Tea Party Republicans and moderate Democrats in Congress?
Why and earth even raise the question? Romney would be a disaster every bit as bad as Bush was. Every Republican that gets elected is a disaster.
The most important issue facing the world today is global warming. Obama has not taken effective action on this because of opposition from the Republicans most of whom do not believe there is a problem, plus a good number of Democrats as well.
The second most important issue today is nuclear proliferation. Obama has not done much on this, and Romney would do even less. Republicans do not believe in international agreements.
The third most important issue facing the world today is the economy. Republicans recklessly opposed Obama’s request to increase the debt ceiling and the US credit rating got reduced as a result. Heaven knows what the Republicans would do the the economy, it beggars belief some of the things they are saying.
There are other very important issues; dealing with terrorism, civil liberties clampdowns, health care policy, tax policy, gap between rich and poor. A Republican government will be a monumental disaster.
I’m not sure which scares me more: the prospect of another 2-4 years of a divided Congress and White House where not even the most basic legislation can be passed, or the idea of the Republicans controlling all three bodies.
How can anyone tell? It’s difficult to hear what Romney is sayi above the sound of his flip flops.
From a US point of view, From a foreign policy angle, Obama has it sewn up. Romney can hardly better him.
On economic affairs, Romney is likely to be pretty damaged by Perry’s attacks. And then we’ll hear all about Romney’s mass lay-offs from his Bain days and possibly benefitting from bail outs. Look back at Teddy Kennedy’s campaign against Romney in 1994 to get a sense of what is to come.
But yes, from a liberal point of view, you’d have to be insane to believe Romney would be better than Obama.
Absolutely not. The only reason why the President has not been able to move his agenda forward is because of a massive effort by the Republicans to, in every way, completely de-legitimise every aspect of his Presidency.
The President sends in troops to help stop the violet Lord’s Resistance Army? They smear him as an evil Islamist out to destroy Christians.
Some Republican attacks Rick Perry for his Uni marks? Then everyone goes after the President claiming that the only reason he got into the best US law school (Harvard) was because he was black.
It’s insanity. And the question is not even worth asking.
I really don’t mind the republicans getting in.
They are totally anti-science.. and if science collapses in the US it will move elsewhere… e.g. here. Although I suspect China and India will probably benefit more than Europe. Their economic and social policies (oh wait.. they just want to get rid of all of them) are going to turn the US into a 2nd or 3rd world country. Either that or there will be another civil war.
The only thing that worries me with the republicans getting is having a theocracy with nuclear weapons.
Obama for a second term—period!
No,no, a thousand times no.
We all know that the vast majority of Obama’s problems (not all – he is a human being) are caused by the strength of the Republicans in Congress. Giving them the presidency as well does not seem to be the optimal solution!
However it is the US electorate who will decide and they may do just that – with Romney or even worse.
“The real problem with America is the American electorate” – discuss!