Tim Farron on being Liberal Democrat President

A new film from Tim Farron MP on what he wants to do when he takes over as President of the Liberal Democrats on 1 January (and watch out for an exciting close-up of the back of my neck):

Also available on YouTube here. You can watch Tim’s other film from this week here.

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  • Nice video. I’m looking forward to Tim being the president, I voted for him and still think he has a way with words like we’re increasingly struggling to find in the party.

  • Not bad – but go easy on the experimental camera work and editing….

  • And please cut out the pointless and distracting music. This is not a supermarket.

  • Paul Fuller 3rd Jan '11 - 6:35pm

    After watching your comments on the vat rise and your remarks on David Milliband it has made me more detrmined to never vote Liberal Democrat again. I and my family voted at the last election and all we have from you and the liberals excuse after excuse. i was brought up by my parents that when you make promises you should keep them or suffer the consequences. So what you reep. I voted for a change in politics and all we got was a lighter tory blue party. Cant wait for the chance to vote and show what i and many others who were lied to at the election. LET THE PEOPLES VOICE BE HEARD

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