Tim is doing the media rounds this morning with interviews on Marr, Murnaghan (at 10:20) and John Pienaar (at 10:35).
Here are some tweets from his Marr appearance:
.@timfarron tells @MarrShow "There are millions of people in this country who count themselves as Liberals in their heart."
— Lib Dem Press Office (@LibDemPress) July 19, 2015
adding that he wanted them to join the Liberal Democrats to fight the Tories on the appalling things that they are planning on doing.
.@timfarron says need for Lib Dems has never been greater with Tories doing appalling things on a third of the vote. #marrshow
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
.@timfarron says that he has never been a tribalist and he wants to work with others to limit Tory power. #marrshow
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
.@timfarron says that we are not becoming an adjunct of any other party and we will fight Labour authoritarianism. #marrshow
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
.@timfarron says he is close to Scotland. He highlights how SNP have armed police, ID database & Edinburgh CCTV. #marrshow
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
.@timfarron says no room for Labour in Scotland, but bags of room for a liberal party. #marrshow
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
.@timfarron says he is a liberal and he supports equality and is passionate about LGBT rights – it is top of his agenda. #marrshow
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
.@timfarron I am absolutely in favour of equal access to all services for all whatever their sexuality. #marrshow
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
Good stuff from @timfarron on #marrshow. Great understanding of how SNP trampling on civil liberties in Scotland.
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
I will update this post as his marathon continues…
And, now Murnaghan. Again, he was unequivocally strong on LGBT+ equality. He quite rightly said he wasn’t going to get into answering questions that were related to theology because he didn’t want to spend the next five years doing that when he’s the leader of a Liberal Party. It’s like he took my and Andy Hinton’s entirely unsolicited advice.
.@timfarrron now outside on #murnahgan: You should have every right to love who you love and marry who you wish whatever your sexuality.
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
.@timfarron: I’m not the Archbishop of Canterbury. I am here to make the case for liberalism, not make religious pronouncements. #murnaghan
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
.@timfarron says that he is deeply worried by Cameron’s comments on Syria. He warns against playing into ISIS narrative. #murnaghan
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
Farron: We must support muslim communities in those countries not ramp up narrative that plays into ISIS’s hands. #murnaghan
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
And while he was clear that Labour are authoritarian, he said that progressive types needed to work together:
Farron: People who are progressive are going to have to realise that we are going to have to work together to defeat Tory plans. #murnaghan
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
The Pienaar’s Politics interview covered different ground and Tim came out with the line of the morning in relation to a question on whether we would be prepared to break the Salisbury Convention. This is the idea that the Lords support measures that were in the government’s manifesto. Tim made it clear that a government exercising disproportionate power on the basis of a minority of the vote was fair game:
.@timfarron on Salisbury Convention – fab line “Our job is to fight for British people not nod to the Establishment.”
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
This is exactly the positioning we need to take. Tim said we wouldn’t be destructive or reckless, but we would oppose where necessary. We are, after all, a radical, insurgent party.
He made it clear that while deficit reduction was sensible, investment in infrastructure during a period of very low interest rates was needed.
He’d be happy to have Nick Clegg in his team, he said, but there seemed to be doubt in his voice about whether Nick would accept it.
.@nick_clegg is a towering figure, says Farron – an incredibly brave and decent man who will be key part of my team.
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
He was also asked about what the likes of Paddy had said about him not having judgement. He replied by saying that they were all working together and that he’d been speaking to Paddy 20 minutes before about Syria.
And he repeated what he’d said during the leadership campaign:
.@timfarron says that lesson from last 5 years is that we can’t have future coalition without electoral reform.
— Caron Lindsay (@caronmlindsay) July 19, 2015
I should probably mention that Pienaar’s team had clearly put a lot of effort into finding an appropriate introduction. Tim disarmed it though, by saying that he couldn’t have wished for a better warm-up.
I can’t wait to see what the Glee Club does with this. For those who don’t know, the Glee Club is the traditional last night of Conference get together where we sing rude songs.
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
It was remarkable how he got ISIS, FOI, LGBT and the selling of housing association property into every reply.
Just like the Tories got “Long a Term Economic Plan” into every reply in every interview of the election campaign. You have to hammer the message and make sure the message is your message. I hope we’ve learned that now.
I don’t think liberal values are necessarily unpopular. However many people who may hold broadly liberal values are, rightly or not, very concerned about immigration. It also needs to be acknowledged that the traditional bread and butter of politics for most people is the economy and public services.
Spot on, banging on about liberal values is a minor sport great for the 8% core vote, but doesn’t resonate with the vast majority of voters who want to hear about issues like immigration ,welfare & the economy.
How many times was snoopers charter, votes for prisoners, FOI et al in the to 10 of voters concerns?
Having a mix of the things most people already care about and the things that you want to bring to their attention seems a shrewd move. I think Tim is good at explaining the relationship between economy/housing/public services and liberalism, that we’re about more than *just* traditional civil liberties like communications privacy/drugs/FOI.
Tim’s first job is to reunite and re-enthuse the party. In his interviews today he has done that by emphasising the things that unite us. He is providing the clearest voice of opposition to the Tories. A good start. Time for everyone to get behind him.
If I heard aright, one of the lines in the song was “He´s having lots of fun!” I´ll go along with that!
And if we win the children´s vote, their parents will follow!
I voted for Norman Lamb, but I listened to Tim Farron’s speech following his election. He convinced me that he will be a Leader we can all respect and work with.
Well if Farron thinks that the Scotland is in the grip sod Orwellian authoritarianism as he said on the Andrew Marr show on Sunday he is not the person to rebuild the Lib Dems in Scotland. The SNP have not armed the police, there is no plan to introduce ID cards ( thats a reserved matter anyway) and so on. I’m afraid that if he is being briefed by Scottish LDs on this basis the party is heading for another awful election result in 2016.
Possibly the Glee Club might be singing “Losing Deposits” again, although it does not apply to local government and the vote required for retention was dropped from 12.5% to 5%.
Well Hireton, if the SNP didn’t arm the police, who did? And allowed the police to stop and search CHILDREN?
Several surveys show that about 30% of the electorate share liberal values. In other words, they don’t demonise immigrants or benefit recipients and care about civil liberties, the environment and equality. Turning 8% into 30% would be a pretty good start.