Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #142

Welcome to the 142nd of our weekly round-ups from the Lib Dem blogosphere, featuring the seven most popular stories according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (1st – 7th November 2009), together with a hand-picked quintet, partly courtesy of LibDig, you might otherwise have missed.

Don’t forget, by the way, you can now sign up to receive the Golden Dozen direct to your email inbox – just click here – ensuring you never miss out on the best of Lib Dem blogging.

As ever, let’s start with the most popular post, and work our way down:

1. Name-calling, Invective, Slurs or Smears? And Tory and Labour Liars, Obviously
on Alex Wilcock’s Love and Liberty blog.
The Tories’ Caroline Righton (for lying) and Denis McShane (for smearing) get it in the neck from Alex.

2. Cameron could sack Osborne according to the Evening Standard…
on Jon Ault’s Alter Ego blog.
‘Please Dave, don’t sack him, he may be a total liability but it would cause too much of a fuss and make your party more electable. Ken Clarke would be a terrible replacement.’

3. Today’s revelations could end Liz Truss’ highflying Tory political career on Jon Ault’s Alter Ego blog.
Might Liz’s erstwhile LDYS links be more damaging than anything the Tories can turn up on Google?

4. Cambridge MP David Howarth to stand down on Lib Dem Voice.
One of Parliament’s real stars decides to swap the cloisters of Parliament for those of academe.

5. LibDems launch new Website!! (And it’s good… seriously!) by Sara Scarlett on Liberal Vision’s blog.
High praise, indeed, for

6. Welsh seats: Predictions for the next general election
on Jonathan Calder’s Liberal England blog.
If you don’t want to see the results, look away now.

7. Caroline Righton breaks her silence (to journalists) on Matt Davies’s Politics. Spours. Music Waffle. blog.
But there’s no apology, no retraction, and no explanation. Classy, Caroline Righton, classy.

And now to the five blog-posts that come highly recommended regardless of the number of Aggregator click-throughs they attracted. As is now traditional we’re using the LibDig widget to select some of the posts from the seven days in question which you’ve most ‘dug’. But, remember, if you want to highlight a Lib Dem blog article published in the past seven days – your own, or someone else’s – using the steam-powered method of e-mail all you have to do is drop a line to [email protected] (providing the web-link and author, and any tagline comment you care to have published).

8. Yesterday I was proud to be a Lib Dem by Mark Thompson on the Mark Reckons blog.
Lib Dems unite against the Labour Government’s sacking of Professor David Nutt.

9. What I Find Surprising About the Caroline Righton Unpology* on Stephen Glenn’s Linlithgow Journal blog.
Yes, it’s the Tory PPC smear story that keeps on giving.

10. Is Julie Kirkbride’s resurrection thanks to her Midlands Industrial Council links? on James Graham’s Quaequam Blog!
It’s as good an explanation as any.

11. How to lose the Election? on Charlotte Gore’s blog.
The Tories two steps to success: ‘First they need to keep quiet about Immigration. Second they need to keep quiet about Europe.’

12. Which politicians got the most media coverage during October? on Mark Pack’s blog.
Alistair Carmichael is the surprise high-entry for the Lib Dems.

And that’s it for another week. Happy blogging.

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