Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #369

Welcome to the Golden Dozen, and our 369thth weekly round-up from the Lib Dem blogosphere … Featuring the seven most popular stories beyond Lib Dem Voice according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (23 – 29 March, 2014), together with a hand-picked quintet, normally courtesy of LibDig, you might otherwise have missed.

Don’t forget: you can sign up to receive the Golden Dozen direct to your email inbox — just click here — ensuring you never miss out on the best of Lib Dem blogging.

As ever, let’s start with the most popular post, and work our way down:

1. What’s the state of Lib Dem organisation in the party’s key Westminster seats? by Mark Pack on Mark Pack.
Mark looks at an academic study of how well prepared we are for the elections to come.

2. What happens when a leaflet without a bar chart comes through a letterbox? by Mark Pack on Mark Pack.
Only a very special person could think of a headline like that.

3. BBC Question Time’s ignoring of the Liberal Democrats is now beyond a joke by Richard Morris on A View from Ham Common.
Surely the word “now” is entirely unnecessary in that headline, but to have no Lib Dem but to include UKIP on week of Nick v Nigel is certainly egregious.

4. A YL bit of the equality jigsaw by Iain Brodie Brown on Birkdale Focus.
A fascinating look at the Young Liberals’ campaigning for gay rights during the 1970s. The phrase “delightfully excruciating embarrassment” is used.

5. Bill Newton Dunn and Roger Helmer by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England.
UKIP MEP actually turns up for work – Jonathan has photographic evidence.

6. Putting #WhyIAmIN Into What the Lib Dems Stand For 2014.07 #LibDemValues by Alex Wilcock on Love and Liberty.
lex updates his series from last year.

7. Why I don’t think Farage won by David Boyle on The Real Blog.
David’s take on #nickvnigel Part 1

And now to the five blog-posts that come highly recommended, regardless of the number of Aggregator click-throughs they attracted. These are normally chosen using the LibDig bookmarking website for party members, the site where you can highlight blog-posts you want to share with your fellow Lib Dems. Remember, though, you’re still more than welcome to nominate for the Golden Dozen a Lib Dem blog article published in the past seven days – your own, or someone else’s – using the steam-powered method of e-mail … all you have to do is drop a line to [email protected].

8. An 18 year old is in Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre by Maelo Manning on libdemchild, aged 14.
Maelo highlights the plight of a young girl threatened with deportation to Mauritius alone.

9. All people are equal, but some are about to be more equal than others by Stephen Glenn on Stephen’s Liberal Journal.
Your same sex marriage won’t count if you move to Northern Ireland…

10.Day 4833: In and proud  by Richard Flowers on The Very Fluffy Diary of Millennium Dome, Elephant.
The Fluffy One gets pythonesque. What have the Liberal Democrats ever done for us?

11. Canvassing in Cheadle with the former Belgian PM by Iain Roberts on Keith Holloway, Iain Roberts and Pam King.
Some illustrious company in the North West.

12. Why doesn’t Mother’s Day (and Father’s Day) raise as many hackles as Valentine’s Day? by Louise Shaw on From one of the jilted generation.
. (Submitted by xxx via LibDig.)

And that’s it for another week. Happy blogging ‘n’ reading ‘n’ nominating.

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* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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