The North East Lib Dems have produced a brilliant campaign video – a brilliant contrast between Labour chaos (starring Barry “Bail the Tories out” Gardiner) and what the Lib Dems offer for the north east – the NHS, the countryside, the environment.
Don’t put our future at risk, they say. Vote Lib Dem to stop Brexit says Fiona Hall.
Fiona was a superb MEP until 2009. Let’s hope we can get her back.
In fairness Barry Gardiner is only one of the Labour voices on the Labour Brexit policy. Alternatives are available but his pseudo-gravitas does his party no favours. A warning to us all!
In fairness Jeremy Corbyn is only one of the Labour voices on the Labour Brexit policy. Alternatives are available.
But he is right when he says that Labour are not offering a referendum.
You get a referendum with Corbyn after about 300 things happen and porcine aviation is achieved! Or so it seems. We could have already had a referendum if all the Labour party had voted for one in Parliament.
While I disagree with them – at least the Brexit party and the Conservatives have been clear. Corbyn’s fudge and mudge is not. He has shown complete lack of leadership from taking six months to respond to a phone call from the Remain campaign to going on holiday during the referendum.
The only way to get a referendum is to give Labour MPs the fright of their lives Thursday week. And that means a strong showing for the Lib Dems – the Greens and Change UK will be dismissed.