Those nice people at Your Liberal Britain put on Launchpad North in Sheffield today. Billed as an event for party members to share policy ideas and have campaign training, it was well attended and had some VIP visitors.
Here is Vince Cable’s Q & A:
Those nice people at Your Liberal Britain put on Launchpad North in Sheffield today. Billed as an event for party members to share policy ideas and have campaign training, it was well attended and had some VIP visitors.
Here is Vince Cable’s Q & A:
Bit of an aside, but how do we feel about the expression VIP? Calling some People Very Important kind of implies other people aren’t very important, which doesn’t feel very liberal to me. Or am I being too literal?
Possibly. It’s not meant as an elitist thing. At least not in this piece. But it is good that the party leader is supporting initiatives started by grassroots members.
I was pleased with Vince’s list of our policy priorities but we need someone to translate those policies into plain succinct and emotive English for members to use to persuade people to vote for us and join us. This could then be shared with local parties and members.
We also need, not just to give people hope but also to explain how we would seek to change the EU. If we adopt an anti austerity stance as a party we can then fight for the EU to drop this too. I’m sure we have other things we’d want to change if we can persuade people to Exit from Brexit.
I’m glad we have Vince as a leader because he has such great depth of knowledge but Tim is great at motivating people emotionally. We need both approaches to get our message across.
All IMHO of course.
This was definitely quite inspirational by Vince and Tom. It was touched upon about the previous referendum campaign failing to implement an emotional appeal. This was also the theme of an excellent article by Adrian Sanders in the current edition of Liberator. The idea of younger people speaking of their concerns to their elder relatives is one emotive message definitely worth using.
Regarding a clear introduction of policies I agree, we do need to do this and provide the evidence the Lib Dems represent a true alternative. I will say again about a pledge or principle card, something which could easily be transferred to posters and e-posters. What are also quite fashionable lately are memory boards highlighting in words moments from people’s lives. Again something which could be developed transferred to e-posters, cards or other items.
Going back to the broadcast, I tweeted it with the words “Inspirational” , as it was something I found as a new member to be exactly that, providing much hope for our party in the run up to May’s local elections. The key however is transfering this into votes – which is where we go back to delivering a clear, distinct message.