England win 6-1, a huge march against Brexit. Anyone would think that we might be entitled to good stuff for a change. We’ll see if anything comes of either event, but it is nice to have something that offers hope, rather than the despair that has been so wearing of late.
There’s been a lot of hope in the past week for supporters of the NHS, but the Conservative proposal of an extra £20 billion for health spending turned to dust pretty quickly when it became clear that there wasn’t much actual money, and that what there was would be coming from higher taxes. But something needs to be done, and Judy Abel has an idea which might help to fill the gap.
David Thorpe isn’t wildly impressed by Labour at the best of times, and he offers us his thoughts on Labour proposals for the Bank of England.
I’ll be returning to the subject of Parish councils, as the National Association of Local Councils has published data from its Councillor Census Survey. You might not find the results wholly unsurprising.
Other than that, there are a couple of items that might break, and we’ll let you have them if they’re ready in time.
So, on with the show, and welcome to another week.
* Mark Valladares has had a lovely weekend visiting historic houses in Dorset. There may have been cake…
@ Mark,
“England win 6-1…..”
I’ve noticed a lot more St George flags flying since our team have started to do well.
But the flag is associated with the far right and right -wing Brexiteers. I don’t necessarily agree with that but I know it will cause marital strife (my wife is very pro-Remain) if I fly one on my car.
Would you be able tell her it’s OK to fly it? Just for the duration of the completion of course. 🙂
@ Peter Martin. Flying flags impairs the fuel efficiency of your car. Do the green thing and keep the flags in the boot.
@ Peter,
Why not fly the flag if you’re following England? I tend to judge people by their actions, rather than by the flag they wave. So, if you’re planning to drive around jeering at foreigners, then I’d rather you fly someone else’s flag.
But I hardly imagine that you’d want to do that… 🙂
If you can ever get hold of film of the 1966 World Cup ‘They think it’s all over’ Final, we will notice just how many Union Jacks were on display at the old Wembley Stadium.
@Nick Collins
I hope your tongue is firmly in your cheek. Otherwise, time to lighten up?
Here is a big Brexit story from Bloomberg:
While pollsters like YouGov were telling us just after the referendum polls closed that Remain had won narrowly and while Farage was making his concession, hedge funds that had paid for their own private polling, were putting their money on the actual outcome, a victory for Leave. It seems that Survation were heavily involved.
A fascinating story with overtones of insider trading that is a must-read.