What’s on at Conference today? The debates and speeches

The controversial migration paper is the most likely opportunity to upset the leadership today. Many Liberal Democrats have expressed alarm at its negative language. Expect passion.

Other debates include ending discrimination in mental health provision, a longstanding Lib Dem priority and a paper on foreign affairs.

Also up today, Vince takes to the stage for the first time for his annual Q & A session. What other party leader would submit to genuine, unscripted questions from members for an hour in public?

There are keynote speeches from Sal Brinton and Jo Swinson.

As far as accountability is concerned, the Campaign for Gender Balance and the Parliamentary Parties come up for scrutiny.

09.00–10.00 Report: Campaign for Gender Balance
Report: Parliamentary Parties

10.00–11.00 Policy motion: Ending Discrimination in Mental
Health Provision

11.00–12.30 Policy motion: A Fair Deal for Everyone: Prosperity
and Dignity in Migration

12.30–12.50 Speech: Jo Swinson MP

12.50–14.10 Lunch

14.10–15.10 Q&A session: Rt Hon Vince Cable MP

15.10–15.30 Speech: Baroness Brinton

15.30–16.45 Policy motion: Britain at the Heart of a Changing

16.45–18.00 Report: Federal Appeals Panel
Report: Federal Board

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This entry was posted in Conference and News.


  • David Becket 16th Sep '18 - 6:51pm

    When the 6 o-clock news on BBC today can run Ruth Davidsons mental health issues but say nothing about our conference what is the point of having one. This party needs a bomb under it, but it is difficult to see who is going to ignite it.

    I could not come to conference this year, but have watched some of it. All sensible stuff but nothing that inspires.

  • Christopher Clayton 17th Sep '18 - 9:31am

    I agree with David’s frustration. Andrew Marr’s programme had a brief appearance and interview with Vince Cable – the main interviewee was Michael Gove.
    BBC tv bulletins at 6pm and 10pm had extended coverage of Theresa May and Ruth Davidson as well as an item on questions from people in Chesterfield about Brexit but no mention at all of the Lib Dem conference.
    The Radio 4 morning programme on Sunday (Broadcasting House), hosted by Paddy O’Connell, chose to feature John McDonnell rather than any Lib Dem parliamentarian.
    Is anything being done about the BBC’s apparent policy of deliberate marginalisation?
    Cannot any party spokesman come up with a wave-making statement to grab attention eg on security and UK global influence implications of Brexit , possessing widespead appeal, instead of the niche , navel-gazing topics that emanate from the party’s dreary committees? What is there in Brighton to get party members and supporters marching towards the sound of gunfire? No wonder the news media are ignoring the Lib Dems.

  • Really in the year 2018 is it not time the whole idea of party conferences was put to bed.
    They do not affect peoples views and with each passing year become more and more irrelevant. Nothing is more laughable in the publics mind than a leader finishing the speech and everyone standing up for goodness how long clapping. It does not influence or fool anyone. In this world of IT, Skype and fast changing technology it can all be done in a much more simplistic, economic and efficient manner.
    Question how much does it cost to hold, money that could be better spent elsewhere.

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