Why is the Labour Party using Parliamentary funds to gather canvass data?

The Parliamentary Communications Allowance (aka part of MPs’ expenses, provided to help them do their job as MPs) …

Paid for out of the Parliamentary Communications Allowance, The House of Commons

… has paid for this magazine from Labour MP Glenda Jackson…

Glenda Jackson magazine cover

… which includes this question asking people which political party they prefer …

Which political party do you most closely identify with?

… with the data then being passed to the Labour Party:

Glenda Jackson, The Labour Party, or it's elected representatives may use the above data to contact you

And so the question: why is the Labour Party using Parliamentary funds to gather in canvass data for its own use?

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This entry was posted in Parliament.


  • John Abrams 1st Sep '08 - 1:54pm

    OK – so what we gonna be doing about it?

  • Hywel Morgan 1st Sep '08 - 5:37pm

    I think that report shows what a nest of vipers giving MPs taxpayers money to promote themselves with is – and that it’s not just Labour who are pushing the rules!

    As for MPs circulating material which is not party political or campaigning material I think my views would be similar to those of Brian Clough when discussing players who weren’t offside as they weren’t interfering with play.

    If it isn’t one of those then way are they doing it.

  • Chris Paul’s usual “you are doing it too” response. Isnt it wonderful that there are Labour activists of such integrity that the only thing that matters is not being at the very bottom of the list of abuses…

  • The whole Parliamentary Communications Allowance should be scrapped.

    Chris Paul might like to ponder that having party logos on probably makes these leaflets less likely to be read.

    I’ve seen “Parliamentary Reports” which have nothing to do with parliament and everything to do with a having a photo of the MP and a local resident or Councillor who just happens to be standing for election soon.

  • Grammar Police 2nd Sep '08 - 8:09am

    Yes, isn’t it amazing how our Conservative MP just happens to send out his parliamentary report a couple of months before General, Council, Euro, London election time, without fail.

  • Steven Ronald 2nd Sep '08 - 1:04pm

    “As for MPs circulating material which is not party political or campaigning material I think my views would be similar to those of Brian Clough when discussing players who weren’t offside as they weren’t interfering with play.”

    Ha ha – brilliant and very apt analogy. For those those aware of Clough/Offside quotes he said-

    “If a player is not interfering with play then he shouldn’t be on the pitch.”

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