One of the (many) disappointing moments from the general election was the defeat of Willie Rennie, the Lib Dem by-election victor in the famous 2006 Dunfermline contest. He was subsequently appointed a government special advisor in the Scottish Office.
Well now he’s back in the saddle of elected politics again. Here’s how the Dunfermline Press reports it:
Local members put Mr Rennie in prime position to win one of seven places as a list MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, which covers all of Fife and parts of Clackmannanshire, Perthshire and Stirling.
He secured first place ahead of Fife councillor Tim Brett, Alyth businessman James Taylor and Perth councillor Peter Barrett.
Lib Dem Jim Tolson, the current MSP for Dunfermline West, will contest the new Dunfermline seat in the elections on 5th May next year.
Mr Rennie said, “I am relishing the opportunity that the Scottish Parliament presents.
“As a result of the recession and the poor state of the public finances passed on by the previous Westminster government we have an enormous challenge ahead. Balancing the books, reforming public services and creating jobs will be top priorities in the next parliament. The Scottish Parliament needs to raise its game to address these challenges.”
He’ll need Iain Smith to lose NE Fife (unlikely) or Jim Tolson to lose Dunfermline West (bet your house on it) to have a chance. Maybe the electorate won’t notice that you are propping up a Tory government (sorry, mitigating the impact of a Tory Government) and won’t punish you (unlikely).
I think the Liberal Deocrats will loose seats in the Holyrood elections. Mood here is not good for the UK Government.
Westminster politics’ loss is scottish politics’ gain!
Maybe the electorate will actually vote based on the best manifesto for the Scottish Government, rather than for your opinion as to the UK Government.
@Grammar Police
I suppose theres a first time for everything! Rather doubt it though.
I hope so – I used to work with his wife and knew him quite well at the time. A nice and intelligent guy who deserves to do well. I am not too confident though as I think the LDs will struggle due to their choice of bedfellows. I know, however, that Willie is a genuine liberal democrat (unlike some of the leaders of the party) and will keep my finger’s crossed
Do you have the full regional lists? I can’t find them on Scottish Lib Dem website