ALDE MEP Charles Goerens proposes EU citizenship for members of former Member States

It looks as if it isn’t just the Liberal Democrats who are keen to remain within the European Union. Charles Goerens, a member of the ALDE Group in the European Parliament from Luxembourg, has suggested that there might be scope for those British citizens who wish to be part of the Union to obtain associate citizenship.

He has submitted an amendment to a draft report from Guy Verhofstadt on “Possible evolutions of and adjustments to the current institutional set-up of the European Union”, which reads;

Advocates to insert in the Treaties a European associate citizenship for those who feel and wish to be part of the European project but are nationals of a former Member State, offers these associate citizens the rights of freedom of movement and to reside on its territory as well as being represented in the Parliament through a vote in the European elections on the European lists

It’s an interesting idea, and opens up all sorts of possibilities. But is it workable, and would the European Parliament be keen?

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  • Barry Snelson 9th Nov '16 - 8:50am

    Is this FoM?

  • Martin Land 9th Nov '16 - 9:01am

    It’s workable enough, at least the citizenship part. Not convinced about voting though. Let’s hope a way can be found for those of our children who have been brought up as world and European citizens.

  • Leekliberal 9th Nov '16 - 9:10am

    Where do I sign up!

  • This is a great idea and I would sign up for it like a shot. But what’s in it for the other EU Governments?

  • Yet again we are discussing a topic which I as a privileged Liberal may find of interest (Yes id like the idea of signing up to in a Dinner party sort of way!), but on a day when the great ignored have again tipped over the apple cart, do we honestly think this is the priority of the great majority of people we seek to represent?

  • Eddie Sammon 9th Nov '16 - 9:28am

    I might use this because there’s a decent chance of me moving to France. I might make the move just before brexit. At the least, I see myself travelling there regularly.

    There must be conditions of citizenship though, they won’t just offer it to anyone. Hopefully knowing another European language will help.

  • Mark Seaman 9th Nov '16 - 10:46am

    This sounds more like an article from The Onion , rather than a serious newspaper.
    The EU is not going to allow people to pick such a status to get around any restrictions on freedom of movement that might apply after Britain leaves that organisation.

  • David Blake 9th Nov '16 - 10:54am

    Sorry, what does FoM mean?

  • Freedom of Movement

  • Alan Ramsdale 9th Nov '16 - 12:23pm

    I’ve just emailed Charles Goerens MEP to thank him for thinking of those of us who dearly wish to remain EU citizens, and for giving us hope. I’ve also just emailed Catherine Bearder MEP to ask her to back the Amendment. I would urge all like-minded people to do the same and show their support for it.

  • Graham Short 9th Nov '16 - 1:30pm

    Excellent to see that other parts of the EU recognise we are not all bigots. How can I sign up?

  • Is this FoM?

    Not sure, however, it does resurrect the idea of an EU passport that is not controlled by the member/ex-member nations. Just another step on the path to statehood…

  • When I saw this proposal I could scarcely believe such a thing may be possible. I was heart broken when the Brexit result was announced and have not been happy since. The thought of losing my E U citizenship I liken to owning a large & beautiful house but having to live in the cupboard under the stairs. I pray this goes ahead & would like any information on how to support it. I see with some dismay that there are already opponents to it from the pro Leave camp. Even after all they’ve taken from people like me, they want to control us totally. Surely we have the right to choose to retain a vestige of what we had, just as I accept they had the right not to.

  • Hilton Marlton 10th Nov '16 - 8:14am

    Great idea. But lets resist Brexit in the first place.

  • Me too where do I sign! Actually I think a lot of people will be at least interested in hearing about the idea and won’t necessarily see it in the newspapers. That means there is a useful data base for Lib Dems to build. Let’s get cracking!

  • david franks 10th Nov '16 - 11:25am

    I would sign up today if I could and have signed the petition, it’s up to 145,000 signatures and I have emailed it to local party members. David.

  • Ian Hurdley 10th Nov '16 - 2:02pm

    I’ve always accepted the dictum that politics is the art of the possible. Sixteen million people voted to remain. Many have dependents whom they would also wish to see enjoying associate citizen status. It seems to me to be beyond credibility that the EU would countenance granting citizenship on that scale, apart from which the cost of potentially having to process that many applications would be prohibitive.
    However, what I do think would be possible, reasonable and equitable would be to extend associate citizenship (upon application) to all those British expats who are tax residents of a member state on the day that the UK gives notice under Article 50. Applications could be processed quite rapidly for this smaller group by devolving the task to the government in whose territory the applicant is tax resident, and these people can demonstrate a tangible commitment to the EU in their present status.

  • British expats? Surely a typo? Should read British migrants!

  • Lynne Bulmer 15th Nov '16 - 4:58pm

    That would be brilliant! I too have been miserable since the referendum result …. Where do I sign? Someone mentioned a petition?

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