Author Archives: Tom Davies

How we should be European in 2023

We have a responsibility to not just be pro-EU but pro-European. Let’s never say no to re-joining the EU but prioritise laying the groundwork for a successful pro-active membership of the community.

Manchester City seem oddly un-British. I’m not referring to the nationalities of the players involved, nor where the club’s money comes from, but rather what they’re doing: Winning. They’re not the underdogs, nor the victims of bad luck, but rather predictable winners because of their world-leading teamwork, players and organisation.

This un-Britishness is certainly reflected in the media and popular response. A mixture of disbelief and almost disappointment, some journalists point out how City are ruining football with their predictable dominance correlating with their extreme wealth. Britain, historically a nation of underdogs, has somehow produced a monster of a team reminiscent of Imperial Germany in its superpower trajectory.

Most importantly, I would say, Britain is perhaps not used to such coherence, strength and success after years of internal division and geopolitical humiliation. No-matter one’s views of Brexit as a policy, it wasn’t executed very well. Brexit has contributed to Britain’s economic troubles resulting in the insecurity of millions, while a divisive discourse paints Britain as the victims in an adversarial relationship with Europe.

Yet it wasn’t always like this. It wasn’t long ago that Britain was not just European, but a European leader in its values and foreign policy. No matter how sickening he was to some people, Tony Blair demonstrated a superstar-like energy as prime minister. Perhaps not quite like Manchester City now, Britain was definitely a European force to be taken seriously.

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Why we need to argue for constitutional reform

The Liberal Democrats must advocate for the radical reform of the UK’s political system as a necessary condition for meeting the country’s diverse challenges.

Climate change, nuclear proliferation, inequality and decreasing living standards – the UK is awash with crises, threatening its place in the world and the welfare of people in our country and beyond.
Throughout our recent history, innovation has driven improvements in our lives. Individuals invented revolutionary technologies, while politicians championed visions to improve our overall welfare. Just as the UK’s rational and free society created the conditions for its industrial power, so did our world war leaders give us the post-war consensus, ensuring the security and freedom of millions.

So where’s the innovation now? Where are our visions?

The truth is that today’s challenges are far more complicated, interdependent, and costly. Tackling climate change requires a radical new approach to how we consider the natural world. Managing war and nuclear proliferation requires global cooperation. Inequality has many vectors and is deeply rooted among different groups and regions. Solving these problems requires more than innovation: they require political visions.

This is why it’s so tragic that our politicians lack substantial visions for our future.

Posted in Op-eds | Tagged | 11 Comments

Recent Comments

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    probably too late for this to be seen - but good speech!...
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