Bamber Gascoigne: This is the essential moment to support the Lib Dems

Last week, Katy Brand and Emma Kennedy backed the Lib Dems in the European elections. .

Last night, award winning star of stage and screen Simon Callow said he was backing us as the only party to have offered leadership and clarity on remaining in the EU.

And today, University Challenge legend Bamber Gascoigne adds his voice to the growing list of people saying that they are voting Lib Dem this time – a list that also includes former Tory Cabinet Minister Michael Heseltine and Times columnist and former Tory MP Matthew Parris.

Bamber said:

This is the essential moment to support the Lib Dems at the ballot box and confirm our commanding lead. We shall prevail!

Photo of Bamber Gascoigne above is by York Membery

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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  • Richard Underhill 21st May '19 - 11:03am

    Today, Tuesday 21/5/2019 we received a leaflet from UKIP, unsolicited of course, nicely timed for Thursday’s vote, except that we have both already voted, this area voted Remain in 2016.
    Oddly unspecific the UKIP slogan says “You told them once – Now tell them again”
    which also applies to the IN/OUT issue.
    We told them in 1975 and understood that the decision was permanent.
    We told them again in 2016.
    Those who argue that the decision of 1975 is different from the issue of 2016 should accept that 2016 is different from 2019.
    The electorate is different, the amount of information is different and the personalities are different.

  • There are many on the centre right of politics who are pro EU and Tory. If the Tory party continues to drift to the right and continues to be Euro sceptic then I wonder where they ultimately go?

    The Lib Dem’s can be very successful in Tory seats, more so quite often than Labour ones. The question for me is should the Lib Dem’s go after this vote?

  • Not quite sure Bamber is who the kids are talking about these days. But OK.

  • John Marriott 21st May '19 - 1:44pm

    Talking of leaflets, by noon today, our house near Lincoln has received general EU leaflets from Labour, UKIP, and Brexit but nothing so far from Lib Dems, Change UK, Green or Tories. There’s still time; but surely it’s not that hard to put out something via the post, even in areas like ours, where Brexit is so strong, especially if you want to maximise the Remain vote.

  • Charles Rothwell 21st May '19 - 5:31pm

    Have read various comments from people saying that, while (like us here in Chester), they have received leaflets from Brexit (twice here!), the Kippers, Labour, Greens and the Conservatives (made you really wonder they had bothered in the latter case, it was so poor!), they had not received anything from the LDs. I have no problem with this as the message is obviously “getting through” nicely via social media and even now the mainstream media! Things are going at such a rate (overwhelmingly in our favour) that any leaflets would have a marginal effect at best, I would imagine. Better to retain resources for the General Election which surely cannot be that far away now and, with a choice between Boris Johnson (elected by 124,000 Tory Party members (average age 72)) (out of a population of 64,100,000) and either (improbably, I would think after the meltdown Labour is facing on Thursday) Corbyn or a complete new-comer in the role (Starmer? Jarvis? Thornberry?), I would imagine that would be the time to get really busy with leaflets instead.

  • David Langshaw 21st May '19 - 7:57pm

    I do hope that Lord Heseltine’s local party (somewhere in Northants?) arranges for him to be given a lift to the Polling Station – think of the photo opportunity!

  • John Marriott 21st May '19 - 8:08pm

    @Charles Rothwell
    It might be ok for you not to receive a leaflet from the Lib Dems; but you, like me, would appear to be ‘in the know’. But what if you don’t do politics, want to support Remain; but are not sure which ‘Remain’ party to support? What might tip the balance could be a ‘Remain’ leaflet dropping through your letterbox. Surely an opportunity missed?

  • If the polls are to be believed, most people old enough to remember Bamber Gascoigne in his TV heyday are likely to vote for the Brexit Party, just as they mostly voted to remain in 1975

  • @ Charles Rothwell If you don’t go fishing you don’t catch a fish.

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