Big Gay Wedding with Tom Allen – a great look back & celebration of equal marriage

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This BBC film came out in March to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the first UK equal marriage. So I am catching up a bit. I started watching it because it was re-shown on BBC1 on Sunday. If you haven’t seen it, it is very much worth watching.

It’s partly a reflection back on the history of the campaign for equal marriage in the UK, and partly an entertaining look at the planning and realisation of the wedding of Adam and Dan of Brighton.

Tom Allen is an amusing and articulate host. He traces the history of equal marriage with guests Peter Tatchell, Sandi Toksvig, David Cameron and Lynne Featherstone.

Helen Belcher gives a sober and eloquent reminder that there is still some way to go to include everyone in marriage – specifically non-binary people.

There is also some interesting reflection from Anglican Minister, the Reverend Jide Macaulay, who founded “House of Rainbow”.

The wedding itself is quite something. Adam and Dan have been a couple for ten years – the same time as equal marriage has been legal. Tom Allen opens his contacts book and magics up some celebrity help. Sophie Ellis-Bexter is the wedding singer. John Whaite, from Bake Off and Strictly, designs a ten-tier wedding cake. Of course he does! Personal stylist Nick Hems designs the outfits and Oti Mabuse is the first dance choreographer. Some beautiful flowers and bouquets are designed by florists Anthony and Elias.

It’s a great show which reminds us of the huge success of equal marriage, but also reminds of challenges that are still faced.

You can watch Big Gay Wedding with Tom Allen on BBC iPlayer.

* Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist and member of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.

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