Brian Paddick selected as Liberal Democrats’ London Mayoral Candidate for 2012

Jonathan Fryer, Chair of London Region Liberal Democrats emails party members in London with the news:

The count has just been completed in the ballot for the Liberal Democrat London Mayoral candidate for 2012.

The selection contest turned into a really close race, reflecting the excellent choice of candidates London members were presented with.

I would like to congratulate Brian Paddick warmly on his victory, and all of us at Team London look forward to working with him and our GLA candidates over the next eight months to ensure the best possible result in May.

Brian Paddick, Liberal Democrat Mayoral Candidate for 2012 said,

“I want to thank the returning officer for the impartial and professional way he has run this selection process and I want to thank my fellow candidates for engaging in a high standard of debate throughout the campaign. I also want to thank my excellent team without whom I would not have been selected. Most of all, I want to thank London Liberal Democrat members who placed their trust and confidence in me to be their candidate for Mayor of London – I won’t let you down.

“I am excited to be joining an excellent team of Assembly Candidates for the 2012 Greater London Authority elections. My number one priority is to improve the image and standing of the party in the eyes of the public, with a view to securing the maximum number of votes for the Liberal Democrats in the 2012 elections and beyond. I am determined to work as a team with the other candidates to present one distinctive Lib Dem agenda for London but we cannot do this without your help. That is why, over the next four months, I hope to visit every local party in London, to meet the activists whose support we rely on year after year and to raise as much money as possible for the campaign ahead. I know from personal experience how tough the GLA Elections are for us as a party and next year will be no exception. I promise to devote myself full-time between now and May to securing the best possible result for the Liberal Democrats and with your help, we can deliver the best result we have ever had in the history of the GLA elections.”

Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on the London Assembly Caroline Pidgeon said,

“I am delighted that Brian has been chosen as our Mayoral candidate and will join me in leading our campaign for the 2012 Mayor and London Assembly elections. Brian brings with him experience of policing in London. I look forward to campaigning with him right across the capital as we promote the Liberal Democrat message for London.”

Jonathan Fryer
Chair, London Region Liberal Democrats

The result in full:

First round
Brian Paddick 1,289
Mike Tuffrey 1,232
Brian Haley 316
Lembit Opik 252

Second round
Brian Paddick 1,567
Mike Tuffrey 1,476

Ballot papers issued: 5,966
Ballot papers returned: 3,089
Percentage turnout: 51.8%

See the London Liberal Democrats website for more.

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This entry was posted in London and News.


  • For some reason I never received a ballot.. but I’m happy with the result though Mike Tuffrey would have been good too.
    At least we’re not having to deal with the embarrassment of Lembit!
    Congratulations Brian, now lets get that vote up 🙂

  • Living in hope 2nd Sep '11 - 8:17pm

    Excellent result and fantastic that Brian is prepared to work full time between now and May. Hurrah!

    Commiserations to the other candidates and thanks for making it such a lively contest.

  • Kirsten de Keyser 2nd Sep '11 - 9:12pm

    No numbers? How odd.

  • Cheltenham Robin 2nd Sep '11 - 9:17pm

    1st Prefs – taken from Vote Clegg get Clegg:

    Paddick 1289,

    Tuffrey 1232,

    Haley 316,

    Opik 252

  • paul barker 2nd Sep '11 - 9:50pm

    The BBC, in its majesty tells us there were 5 Candidates. Why do we defend The License Fee ?

    Congratulations to everyone involved, all 4 have strenths The Party should find a way to use.

  • Simon McGrath 2nd Sep '11 - 10:06pm

    @Cheltenham Robin

    Thanks. and from Mark Pack’s blog the 2nd prefs:
    First round
    Brian Paddick 1,289 (42%)
    Mike Tuffrey 1,232 (40%)
    Brian Haley 316 (10%)
    Lembit Opik 252 (8%)
    Total valid votes: 3,089
    Second round
    Brian Paddick 1,567 (51%)
    Mike Tuffrey 1,476 (49%)
    Majority: 91 (2%)

  • Congratulations to Brian. Mike would also have made an excellent candidate but I’m happy Brian was chosen and even happier that he’s going to campaign full time until May.

    I hope we haven’t seen the last of Brian Haley either, he looks like a strong candidate for the future.

  • Daniel Henry 2nd Sep '11 - 10:59pm

    @ Simon
    Good to see the final results. VERY close.

    I hope Mike stays involved. He’s got some fantastic policies that would be great to see implemented.

    Congrats to Brian. He’s said some great stuff on here and I look forward to his campaign.

  • Congratulations to Brian on topping the poll. Clearly the result was disappointing for our team, however Lembit was great fun to work with and lasting friendships were forged. Thanks to all our campaigners.Lembit will issue his own statement tomorrow.

    Ed Joyce

  • Tony Dawson 3rd Sep '11 - 5:33pm

    “Lembit was great fun to work with and lasting friendships were forged”

    What’s wrong with genuine freindships? 🙂

  • Lembit Opik 5th Sep '11 - 2:26am

    “I want to thank all three of the other candidates in the Lib Dem mayoral selection – Brian Paddick, Mike Tuffrey and Brian Haley – for their enthusiastic, warm and dignified participation in the selection process. I also congratulate former candidate Brian Paddick for successfully securing that candidature once again. Brian has stood before, and knows how the ropes, as he will no doubt prove in the 7 months of the campaign between now and May 2012.

    “As for me, it is clear that my left wing, libertarian narrative is not currently in the ascendancy. Also, while some members of the movement support my attempts to reach out beyond the normal strictures of political coverage, others do not. I accept that the tide was not with me, and that, in politics, that’s just the way it is sometimes.

    “I make two requests of the party. Firstly, we need to do our best to differentiate ourselves from our Conservative coalition partners in Government. There is a real danger that we will be greatly harmed if we do not do this, and lose the left leaning vote which is so important to our chances of doing well. Secondly, I would hope that at this time of danger for the party’s fortunes, we recognise the damage which internal negative campaigning within the party is doing to our ability to focus on the external challenges which face us. We need to pull together and make sure that the collective effort is focussed on the shared dream of a more liberal and democratic society.

    “Looking ahead, I am assessing the best ways to serve society – and the party – in line with the original values that convinced me to join up over two decades ago. We’re going to face some tough decisions as we seek to turn around the fortunes of the Liberal Democrats in the months and years ahead. I hope to play my part in achieving a lively, productive and truly liberal future for our movement and our country.”
    Statement by Lembit Öpik regarding Liberal Democrat Mayoral Selection

    “I want to thank all three of the other candidates in the Lib Dem mayoral selection – Brian Paddick, Mike Tuffrey and Brian Haley – for their enthusiastic, warm and dignified participation in the selection process. I also congratulate former candidate Brian Paddick for successfully securing that candidature once again. Brian has stood before, and knows how the ropes, as he will no doubt prove in the 7 months of the campaign between now and May 2012.

    “As for me, it is clear that my left wing, libertarian narrative is not currently in the ascendancy. Also, while some members of the movement support my attempts to reach out beyond the normal strictures of political coverage, others do not. I accept that the tide was not with me, and that, in politics, that’s just the way it is sometimes.

    “I make two requests of the party. Firstly, we need to do our best to differentiate ourselves from our Conservative coalition partners in Government. There is a real danger that we will be greatly harmed if we do not do this, and lose the left leaning vote which is so important to our chances of doing well. Secondly, I would hope that at this time of danger for the party’s fortunes, we recognise the damage which internal negative campaigning within the party is doing to our ability to focus on the external challenges which face us. We need to pull together and make sure that the collective effort is focussed on the shared dream of a more liberal and democratic society.

    “Looking ahead, I am assessing the best ways to serve society – and the party – in line with the original values that convinced me to join up over two decades ago. We’re going to face some tough decisions as we seek to turn around the fortunes of the Liberal Democrats in the months and years ahead. I hope to play my part in achieving a lively, productive and truly liberal future for our movement and our country.”

    Lembit Opik

  • Of course, Lembit could have done his bit to ensure a part for his’left wing libertarian narrative’ had he held his otherwise safe-seat last year.

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